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This Family Blog Media Kit
“Wow! I’m so very impressed! It’s very rare that I learn something from the articles written by the media we host. I discovered a few fun facts about both Little River Inn and the Skunk Train through your wonderfully-written articles that I was not previously aware of. Amazing!”
~Heather at Chalkboard Communications
“I love this! Soooo much fun and you described the event so well…..Thank you for being such a great promoter of the Farm that we all love!”
~Sheri at Riley’s Farm
“The passion Jennifer Tousey brings to her story telling coupled with the depth and detail of her research is just outstanding.”
-Robyn JohnsonRegent-Beverly Hills Chapter of the
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
“Jennifer Tousey gave our organization an impressive and historically informative presentation on Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman who convinced President Lincoln to make our beloved Thanksgiving a National Holiday. It was a very educational and fun event! Jennifer is a delightful and engaging storyteller, and we look forward to having her speak to our group again! “
-Diane Jenkins1st Vice Regent, Santa Monica Chapter, NSDAR
“Passion is Jennifer Tousey’s middle name! When Jen first told me about her interest in Sarah Josepha Hale, I had no idea who this woman was. Of course, everyone knows the rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” But who knew who wrote it? And everyone knows about the pilgrims and how Thanksgiving started. Didn’t we? Jennifer brought Sarah Josepha Hale to life! In Jennifer’s presentation, this 232 year-old woman was as modern today as she was back then. Sarah Josepha Hale was a master at public relations. She was more than her clever nursery rhymes, more than her popular New England novels and more than her campaign for the creation of Thanksgiving. At a time when women were required to be ghostwriters and only men were called upon to legislate, Sarah turned traditional mores up side down! How much more interesting it is to learn that women from our early history were as clever and red blooded as women are today. Jennifer Tousey’s story of Sarah Josepha Hale took her out of that tight uncomfortable corset and placed her in a shocking pink pantsuit. Our DAR Chapter absolutely loved this program!“
-Jan H. Gordon, Regent Los Angeles-Eschscholtzia Chapter, DAR