Helping you explore America!
Discover (or rediscover) our nation with travel, DIY projects, historical activities, forgotten stories and just plain FUN!
oh say can you see?
It’s so great to meet you
We’re so glad to you have you here! Our messy, creative, scattered, flawed, beautiful American family life is here. We’re with you living in the trenches of this interesting time in history. We’re balancing raising a family with surviving and thriving, being supportive of our country and community and doing our part to make it better. And we wouldn’t have it any other way..
Our goal is simple. To inspire you to live your best American life through travel, experiences, and stories unique to this nation. So come with us, travel and see some place in a new way, experience history behind towns, landmarks, people, and traditions. Make your own history. Discover or rediscover home.
Most of all, have fun.
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