The pursuit of The American Dream requires an email list. What? Yes. Our forefathers didn’t have email but they communicated through taverns, town criers, and gazettes. Like it or not, email lists are the evolution of communication in the modern world. The good news is, it’s only the news one cares to hear about because it requires an opt in. (Do you get amazing the Hobby Lobby 40% off coupon in your email? You opted into their list to get that nugget of gold.) The even better news is one is not woken in the middle of the night to someone yelling in the street “The British are coming!”
When to Start an Email List
When I started blogging the one thing I heard time and time again was get the email list started right away. Yes work on the social media channels. Of course drive traffic to the blog. But it is all for nothing if once people get to the blog they do not have a way of signing up for email.
Algorithms change. Traffic from any source is not guaranteed because other people own those sites and have their own agendas. Facebook, Instagram, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest, even SnapChat… they are all owned and can be taken away at any given moment.

The Sacred Email
Once someone signs up for your email list, the info yours forever or until they unsubscribe (but they won’t because you are amazing and produce quality content). Most people check their emails daily so that my friends, is a powerful tool! It’s also a lot more personal and cuts out the middle man but we’ll get into more of that in a moment.
Plain and simple, email is the lifeblood to the blog. Here’s why:
Personal Connection
People will sign up because they like what they see. They are into what you are into. When you send them an email, they are going to be happy it’s there! It’s like getting a letter from a friend. Use these emails to generate conversation, a fading art in today’s tech world. Sigh…Own it. Bring it back into fashion.
You might not have products ready to sell, but when you do, you have a ready made audience. Again, these people signed up because they like your style. Chances are, they will be interested in your products too.
Cross Pollenation
Use your email to grow your other social media accounts. If they like your blog, they’ll love your wit on twitter. They’ll share what you share on Facebook. They will likely pin what you pin. Email lists are a personalized chapter in the story you are telling with your online presence.
For example, This Family Blog posts stories on American adventures and experiences as a family. Pinterest hosts our article titles and captivating related photos. Instagram is more of a mini blog with humorous moments. Emails showcase a story or a thought of what we are currently up to and links to deals and stories. There are different ways to be a part of This Family to suite people’s needs and wants.
Keeping it Real
Chances are if a reader found you on Google or Pinterest you are brand new to them. You haven’t established a relationship yet so they probably won’t remember to come back and check the blog let alone regularly. But if you are able to capture an email address your newsletter will be the reminder. Bottom line is that with an email address you can get in front of them as much as you want or need to with the message you want to put there.
TIP: Most important thing to note here is just be yourself, in email as well as on the blog. No one wants to sign up for sales pitches. Exclusive deals, perhaps. Sales pitch, not so much…

Let’s do it!
The email provider we use and recommend is CONSTANT CONTACT.
It’s a little dated in the styles of the sign up boxes but I understand they are working on that.
The pros include the two most important things for beginners. User friendly and excellent support. Constant Contact is very available via chat and phone and have worked with me on many a call. Most of the time because I want to do something epic or odd. They are always willing to work with me.
No strings. It is exactly as advertised. You don’t even have to add a credit card number. It gives you a nice head start to get that email list going. (And then they work with you to keep monthly fees very reasonable as you continue to grow)
I am ALL about drag and drop, templates, and anything simple and doesn’t involve code. If I can do it, for sure you can do it.
In some ways I’m still a beginner really and haven’t figured out what to track and why but I’ll get there and when I do, I know CONSTANT CONTACT has been accumulating all the info so I will be able to see everything with ease. I do know there are options for tracking open rate, best time of day to send, bounce rates, etc. All of that is helpful to give your subscribers the best experience you can!
Disclaimer: If you purchase through these links I may receive a commission. There is no extra charge to you. In fact, it’s two months free trial!!! Nothing shady here..straight forward. I use it and I love it and I think you will too!

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How to start an Adventure Blog
My first month of Being a Blogger
Helpful Classes
5 Day Crash Course (Free Class)
30 Day Blogging Blastoff Class
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