Looking for a REAL gift guide for real Gilmore Fans? I mean yes there are pillows and posters and a hundred different coffee mugs. That’s for the fans who liked the show.
This gift guide is for the die hards… the Gilmore Fans who already have the pillows, posters, t shirts, and coffee mugs. This gift guide is for the ones who LIVE the Gilmore Girls life.
This gift guide is the Ultimate gift guide for the ultimate Gilmore Girls fan. If you are reading this and smiling right now, this gift guide is for you!
Gift Guide for the Luke in your Gilmore Girls life

Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee: In real life Scott Patterson who plays Luke Danes makes coffee and it’s pretty good! Read all about it and then get some for your favorite crabby man or yourself. My crabby man prefers the espresso where as I am a big fan of the house blend. I got a chance to interview Scott and learn a bit more about him and his coffee. It’s pretty great and worth the click
Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee
Luke’s Coffee Mug: You can’t have Luke’s coffee without a Luke’s coffee mug. It’s Loralei logic and it’s mandatory. Do I really need to say anything more?
Luke’s Diner Hat: I realize this is red and Loralei gave him a blue hat but I thought a plain blue hat was lame and I’m not putting that in the ultimate Gift Guide for Gilmore Girls fans. Pretty sure you can find a plain blue hat elsewhere. THIS one is from Luke’s. ๐
Gift Guide for the Loralei in your Gilmore Girls life

Talking As Fast As I Can: I read this book at the speed of light. I happen to talk in real life a lot like Loralei so this book just sort of felt like a natural extension of myself. It’s a great book and a fabulous photo opp. Don’t believe me? Look at the cover. You’ll know what to do…
The Fun Flask: Complete with collapsable shot glass for Yale games or wherever you need a little extra fun.
Vicious Trollop Lipstick: I own this. I am here to tell you a little bit goes a long way. You can go from vicious trollop to straight up messy clown in seconds if you are not careful. It’s a great color! Just remember it’s highly pigmented and a little goes a long way. This little tube and you can be a trollop, vicious or otherwise for at least a year.
Gift Guide for the Rory in your Gilmore Girls life

Rory’s Reading List: There were 339 books mentioned in the series. That’s a lot. But Rory was a diligent scholar! Where as I am not going to put links in for every single book, I AM going to give you a FREE PRINTABLE of the books and then encourage you to to print it and purchase a couple books as a gift.
Chilton skirt: OH yeah, you can be a private school girl any day you want! Tartan never goes out of style! Personally I love a good kilt and have several.
Birkin Bag: Not gonna lie… going to put in a Birkin Bag knock off link here….I’m on a Loralei budget and going to assume you are too.
Gift Guide for the Dean in your Gilmore Girls Life

Cornstarch: A super cheesy way to commemorate a first kiss but we’re all about the cheese. You can also yell at him ‘I love you, you idiot!’ when you hand it to him, for good measure.
Dean’s leather coat: Perfect first boyfriend material. Just the right amount of edge but super sweet and did cool guy things like build a car for Rory and then a bracelet too.
Rocky Road Cookies: Cookies for the love and the Dean and the cookies for the love and the Dean and the cookies for the love and the Dean and the cookies for the love and the cookies….
Gift Guide for the Jess in your Gilmore Girls Life

Self Help book: Luke gave it to Jess and if you have a Jess in your life, he probably needs one. I searched high and low and I think this is the one he might actually read…or write.
Write your own book: One awesome thing that came out of that dark and broody life? Jess wrote a book! You can get your moody broody to start writing their own too! They can do it in their little cave of a room.
Man journal: This bit of cool for the Jess in your life to jot down thoughts and notes on his travels to California, to New York, the diner, perhaps even the Renaissance Fair. Gotta put all those experiences somewhere.
Gift Guide for the Logan in Your Gilmore Girls Life

This is a little tough because what do you get for the guy who can buy anything he wants in life? Well you remind him of the things money cannot buy. Your love and a fabulous way to live.
In Omnia Paratus: The motto of the Life and Death Brigade. Logan taught Rory to live a little. ‘Prepared for all things or ‘ready for anything’. A little token to keep near your heart when you need a little reminder.
Umbrella: A beautiful umbrella for every day use but remember how your heart jumped when Rory and Logan did? It’s a fabulous reminder of In Omnia Paratus…do you trust me?
Rocket: If you watched it, you know why. But can I be honest here, who doesn’t want to play with a rocket? So I’m including this toy because I don’t care how old you are, stomping on a button and launching a rocket into the air is epic! If the Life and Death Brigade boys were here there would be massive bets going on. Let the games begin.
Gift Guide for the Lane in your Gilmore Girls life

Bestie Book: This little token is full of fill int he blank moments to tell your bestie while she is the bomb. Very Rock and Roll. Lane approves.
Hide in plain sight: Lane DEFINATELY could have used secret safes like this one to hide all her contraband. TBH I could have put loads of links here. I found a fake barbasol, fake deodorant, a book with a secret compartment, even a water bottle. SO many little hidy holes. Even a spam can but I’m pretty sure Mrs Kim would toss a spam can so I thought this one was best.
Skid Row CD: Remember when Gil tells Lane and the band about how his previous band were getting big and then squabbled and the whole rock and roll dream fell apart? Yeah… I’m just going to leave this right here. Plus 100% Lane would have had this CD hidden in the floorboards. Question… why didn’t Lane ever touch Gil’s hair? He has amazing rocker hair. Just sayin…
Gift Guide for the Richard and Emily in your Gilmore Girls life

Storyworth: This is so you will never pull a Loralei at Richards funeral. It’s a tremendous gift that keeps the story prompts coming once a week like Friday dinners. At the end of the year you might not have college tuition but you will have collected memories and stories of your parents (or grandparents) bound in a beautiful book for all time. Storyworth
Bonus: Don’t want to have an adversarial relationship like the girls did with Emily? Read 14 Conversations to have with your Grandmother
Genealogy: Family lines were UBER important to the Gilmores. How many times did we hear ‘but I’m a Gilmore!’ And of course there was DAR. I’m a proud member of DAR and I gotta say, it rocks. Here’s how you get started on researching your ancestors. Maybe you’ll end up DAR or Mayflower too!
The Snark Handbook: One thing I’ve always admired about Emily is how she could tell people off with such style. A clever insult for all situations and all occasions. Your handbook to throwing a verbal punch.
Gift Guide for Gilmore Girls in your everyday life
Eat Like a Gilmore Books: Two hundred recipes in a beautiful boxed set. In addition to the Gilmore Girls inspired recipes, there are loads of tidbits about the show and kitchen help that Loralei certainly could have used.
Gilmore Girls Pencils: Who doesn’t need pencils? Kind of a real life every day necessity. I use mine all the time. They make me laugh and have me quoting Gilmore Girl moments all day.
Fast Talk and Faith: For all the fast talk and quips, Gilmore Girls was a show about family, love, and community. These themes are the focus of this daily devotional
Gift Guide to actually live a day in the world of Gilmore Girls
Stars Hollow Tour: Most of the series was actually filmed on theWB Lot in sunny Burbank California. You can buy tickets to see the tour. It’s pretty fun and there is a lot to see…Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Spider Man, Harry Potter…. and of course, Gilmore Girls. In the winter they do a special thing at the end of the tour and you can walk around Stars Hollow all decked out for the holidays. It’s pretty fun! (Links to come)
Sage and I
Gilmore Girls Fan Fest: There is an annual festival that happens every fall on the East Coast. Cast members attend and everyone has a grand old time. In this times of COVID 19 it like so many things are one hold but I WILL update this with appropriate links just as soon as possible!
Self Guided Gilmore Girls Tour: This is still in the works (BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE AMAZING!) but pin this page, bookmark it, whatever… check back as it will be up summer of 2020 and you can download the tour. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!
Bonus: A Year in the Life. Your guide to Holidays and Seasons to live that Americana quintessential Stars Hollow life all year long. Shop like a Gilmore and support local American businesses (and this blog).
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If you are a Gilmore Girls fan or there is a major Gilmore Girls fan in your life, you’ll want to save this and refer to it often. We periodically update so in theory, this could be your ultimate Gilmore Girls Gift Guide shopping list forever.
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