Before I get to what the heck a Liebster Award is…You know what’s really great? When people celebrate other people and recognize effort. In a world where it’s so easy to tear others down it’s a beautiful thing to see people lifting others up. It’s one of my favorite things, really.
You can imagine my smile then when Serendipity On Purpose nominated me for the Liebster Award with these kind words: The Touseys are an all-American family who love to explore stories of their ancestors. Their Adventure 101 series has great tips for how and why to adventure with your family!
Yup. That’s us! Thank you Lori for the Liebster Award nomination! Are we excited?
What is the Liebster Award?
The purpose of this award is to help discover new blogs and to recognize new bloggers in all niches. Bloggers nominate other bloggers that they have found a connection with through reading their blog and communicating with them online. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn’t that a fun word??
Official Rules of the Leibster Award are HERE

All about Serendipity On Purpose Blog
Lori has children living at home and 23 grandchildren (but looks like she should only have tweens-seriously girl, you are killing the age gracefully game). They have a great family photo HERE. She posts loads of traveling tips and fun stuff to do with big families including National Parks, Cruises, and the American Favorite…Disney! A great family with a great attitude and I’m glad to share the blogosphere with her. Serendipity On Purpose. Check them out. And, Lori, thank you for thinking such nice things about This Family Blog. ๐
What Motivates Me in Life
Family. History. Ancestry. Culture. Storytelling. Adventure. Patriotism. Lifelong Learning. Love. Coffee. (Not necessarily in that order)

Questions Lori Asked Me
What is your dream job, and why?
My dream job is two fold. I want to be paid well to be a full time mom and wife (and daughter and sister and cousin and niece…). That is to say, my family means more to me than anything and my absolute favorite thing to do is to go on adventures with them. The second part to that is I want to be an example to others. My family isn’t perfect, but we are driven by love and old fashioned values and culture and patriotism. I want to inspire all those things in others. I made an executive decision to dedicate my life to all these things so I suppose, in effect, I’m living my dream…. (insert Kapow Sound effect…mind blown)
In what ways would you like to make a difference in the world?
My answer to this is very similar to my first answer. I’d like to live by example and inspire others to stop living in cyber space and worshiping things like butt implants, collegen lips, and photo filters and get excited about being human. Learn about your family and history and your culture(s) and celebrate them! I think learning and sharing gives way to healing and understanding and dare I say it, joy! If I can do that, I have done something good in this life!
What does joy look like for you, and what activities do you engage in to feel joy?
hahaha I swear I answered the last question before I read this. But hey, what a segue…So piggybacking on my last answer then, I engage in things like adventures, learning, and service to find joy. I find the fastest way to pull myself out of a funk is to do something for someone else. Usually I carry change around in my purse just for this purpose. I like to pop it in people’s meters and give them a few extra minutes. It makes me smile because I know it will make someone’s day. What does joy look like then? It’s a very peaceful smile that comes from the heart. <3 Joy also looks like coffee. A big glorious cup of good coffee.
What do you do to stay healthy, both physically and emotionally?
Well, emotionally I’m pretty healthy but it’s taken a one lane dirt road full of potholes on the side of a cliff to get here. #truth I stay emotionally healthy because I keep conscious reminders of my ‘why’ all around me. In other words, I’m very aware of my motivation and if I get caught up in things, it’s always because I went off track so I pause, take a step back, get coffee, and reset. Physically… not my forte. I mean I eat pretty well but I don’t really exercise. And if I see the cheesecake, oh I’m getting the cheesecake. It keeps me emotionally healthy.

What is one trip you would like to take, but seems out of your reach, and why?
Ohhhh good question… there are two… the first one that is out of reach is the one where we pop into time machine and travel through history by BEING in history. Trust me, I’ve taken this trip a million times in my mind. It’s the bomb diggity and I always have a great outfit.
The one trip that is out of reach currently is the one where I say ‘Hey family… we’re road tripping for a year. The fancy schmancy RV is out front, itinerary is printed! Grab your bag, grab your phone charger, grab your sense of adventure (and humor)… let’s go!” It’s out of reach only because I haven’t set my mind to it yet. ๐
I nominate…
Pauline from Mama Bear Outdoors because she’s a wild woman in the very best sense of the term. She is passionate about living outdoors and having a blast with the fam. She rocks my world and I love her blog and her person.
Tricia of Born to Be Boomers because she is the savvy cool older sister you didn’t know you needed in your life. Her blog is proof life starts at 50 and she is not about to let a silly number slow her down. Fab.
Angela of Mean Green Chef because I cannot cook a damn thing and Angela’s blog makes me believe I can cook beautiful scrumptious concoctions of goodness. She’s also an excellent human.
Here’s my questions for my nominees
- Your life story is the subject of the next Hollywood blockbuster. What is the genre, title, and who plays you?
- What is something you like to do the Old Fashioned Way? Why is it best?
- Who is someone in your family/family history that inspires you? How?
- What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?
- What did you think you would grow out of, but you didn’t?
Extra Credit: If you and I were to go on a trip, where would we go and what would we do there? And…would there be coffee?
Final Thoughts
Thank you again Lori, for the Liebster Award nomination. Pauline, Tricia, and Angela, should you choose to accept the nomination, I expect nothing but awesome (or your case Angela, awesome sauce) because you ladies are fantabulous. Go forth and be leibstery!
Versatile Blog Award
Mystery Blog Award
Blog Home

I’m so glad you accepted my nomination for the Liebster Award! You have a great blog with lots of fun information. Good luck to you!
Thank you Lori!!! I’m honored to be in such great company. ๐
Congratulations Jen! It is well deserved! Thank you so much for the nomination! Your attitude and professionalism are something I strive to achieve every day!
Thank you for the kind words Tricia! I am looking forward to seeing your answers ๐
Congratulations! I love your answers, and you selected terrific nominees!
Thank you so much!!! I think I selected pretty fab ladies too!