These days, being an American Family is Complicated
Being an American Family is not easy. In a time where being a patriot is often confused with political agenda, it’s a challenge to raise a family that understands its history and has a healthy sense of pride. Throw in the hot word ‘American’, add the daily trials of just being a family and raising kids who are decent human beings, toss in a dog… and well…it can get complicated…
Welcome to Life as a Modern American Family
We’re so glad to you have you here! Our messy, creative, scattered, flawed, beautiful American Family Life is here. We’re with you living in the trenches of this interesting time in history. We’re balancing raising a family with surviving and thriving, being supportive of our country and community and doing our part to make it better. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
You won’t find politics here.
You will find resources and information to travel, experience and learn unique and wonderful things this country has to offer. You’ll also find community and support.
We’re not here to tell you who to vote for or what to think.
We believe that love and positivity is always in good taste and that that kind of action ripples into a big difference. We’re about learning what we’ve got, how we got here and celebrating it all.
We believe that the United States of America could use a hug. And the simple act of showing that love every day moves us all forward together, one step at a time…
We’re for families, for youth, for the elderly, the patriots, the students, the lost, the tired and weary, and anyone who calls the US home or just wants to learn more and actually experience our flawed, unique history. Don’t see you on this list but you read this far? Chances are pretty good we’re for you too!
We’ve created a community of motivated, smart, encouraging, kind people who are interested in reviving a healthy sense of pride in this country and in their families. They love a good story whether it’s from history or they are creating their own.
You can join This Family too and get access to some fun freebies, and we’d be thrilled to have you!
Our Goal
Our goal is simple. To inspire you to live your best American life through travel and experiences that can only be had in this nation.
We want to give you immersive cultural experiences, unexpected adventures and transformative information that will make you proud to be a flawed and fabulous patriot.
In short: we’re going to to help you discover and create beautiful stories and experience our country’s unique legacies in fun and exciting ways! You’ll experience history and create your own!
It’s what we want for our family, your family, and our greater American family!
You too? EXCELLENT! You are in the right place!!
Welcome to the Family!
How Josh and Jen met
Our own story started about a decade ago at a Native American Pow Wow. I was talking with a friend who asked if I was seeing anyone. My answer was no. (I was a single mom at the time and believe me, there wasn’t any time to date) Before I could get out another word she called Josh over and introduced us. She asked if Josh was seeing anyone. He said he wasn’t. “GREAT!” She said… “You’re single and you’re single. You should date.” and then she just walked away.
Josh and I just stood there. Never in my life have I wanted the ground to just open and swallow me up like I wanted it to just then. AWKWARD! Luckily, I am hilarious and charming when put on the spot. (Or so I choose to believe…honestly I blacked out)

And the Adventures Began
Well…. the courtship didn’t exactly start that day but we did exchange contact information and we began doing that old fashioned thing… talking.
A few months later we had our first date which was a rather epic adventure that lasted several days and involved a St Patricks Day parade, a dance party, and a river dyed green (Hello Chicago!).
It set a bit of a precedent as we’ve pretty much lived one adventure after another ever since and along the way gathered some excellent stories to swap around a campfire.
We Love America
One of the things that Josh and I connect on is being patriotic. We love our country and we both find it sad that these days patriotism gets confused with political agenda.
We raise our girls to experience, respect, and understand our country (all of it…even the ugly parts).
To do that, we feel it is important to know where we came from, appreciate what is around us now, and what we are a part of, and understand how our country works and how to be part of it in a positive way.
We believe our basic American values unite us all and is far greater than anything that can divide us.
Who We Are
In many ways we really are the quintessential American family. We are blended. We’re of mixed heritage, with a history of both Native and immigrants from several countries over the course of four hundred years.
We are entrepreneurs and we are adventurers!!
We love to explore and we can tell a good story.
And we love the most patriotic of drinks, coffee! (Seriously…you have no idea)

What’s the Blog’s Purpose?
This family wants to show you some freaking amazing places to visit, some awesome products and services we love and use, some unique and amazing finds, how we entrepreneur (a fine American tradition), and other amazingly inspiring awesomeness that all comes from right here in our home, The USA. We want to do our part to help reignite American pride.
There are some unbelievable (yet true) stories of patriots we are related to and excellent moments in history we should learn, get excited about, and take pride in! Basically we want to share how and what we celebrate, adventure and discover… because we’re American and if anyone can make a giant celebration out of a normal day, it’s us!
We do work with affiliate businesses to earn income. We do sponsored posts as well as offer photography and video production services that we highlight here. But here’s the deal…
We will never write about something we have not personally experienced or believe in. We do not post a bunch of ads, but we do share links to quality businesses and products we feel our readers will find valuable and we hope you’ll patronize them through our helpful links.
More about us as individuals
Hi! See that picture with the sunflowers? You’re seeing me in my happy place…in the mountains, in a field of sunflowers, about ready to guzzle as much fresh pressed apple cider as my body will let me. It’s like an annual fall cleansing to all the coffee I normally consume (which explains one of the other pictures).
Job wise, I’ve worn several hats over the years including camp counselor, teacher, makeup artist, writer and film producer. I’ve loved all my jobs but what makes me the happiest is being a wife and mom (cheesy but true). I enjoy being creative and still keep a foot in the entertainment industry while I raise a family and write this blog.
I’m proud to be a member of Girl Scouts, St. Andrews Society, American Clan Gregor Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, and Children of the American Revolution. I’m a BIT of an American History geek, I’m absolutely terrible in the kitchen, and I love a good coffee. Pretty sure I was a pirate in a previous life and I have been told many times listening to me tell stories is like being on Drunk History. Oddly, I haven’t seen the show yet but I think it’s a compliment? (OK I’ve seen it now and yeah… I really do tell historical stories pretty much exactly like that… but without the burps)
Josh is way more comfortable behind the camera then in front of it. It’s not his jam to be the focus of attention hence I’m writing his bio. He is one of those observant types who notices pretty much everything. That’s probably what makes him an excellent photographer. He’s worked in Hollywood for about a decade now on films, marketing pieces, interviews, and countless photoshoots. I’d love to tell you about all the projects he’s actually worked on but he has to sign a lot of NDAs (non disclosure agreements) and if he can’t tell you, I for sure cannot. I can tell you his cool points are WAY up and sometimes we do get to share things.
Josh is the rock of this family. He keeps my flight of ideas teathered and grounded and keeps us all on track when we off road (which happens a LOT). He’s good at numbers, great in the kitchen (thank God!) and wants to be an excellent fisherman. He also blames me for his coffee addiction. You’re welcome.
Madison Bella
If it wasn’t for Bella I wouldn’t even know about such things as Instagram and Pinterest. Currently a young woman out on her own and blazing her own trail, Bella has already lived an extraordinary life including being a model, acting in a few TV shows and films, being an active member of several tribal youth groups and organizations, and paging for the Continental Congress for the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Yeah, she’s a little bit of a bad ass). I’d like to take credit for her fierceness but she came into this world ready to take it on.
Bella was a girl scout in elementary school and is now a member of Daughters of the American Revolution, American Clan Gregor Society, and serves on several boards with very impressive names that I can’t keep track of and remember the titles. She too is fueled by caffeine we can’t wait to see what life she creates for herself.
This little ray of sunshine has been lighting up our lives for eleven years now. She loves dogs and horses and hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream! She’s wicked smart and in her first ten short years has managed to land a handful of TV and film roles, created an invention that made it to producers of Sharktank, and is a trophy winning, national placing, competitive Highland Dancer. Her latest endeavor is the SAGE & FOLLY Historical Apothecary. She researches old health and beauty recipes and figures out which ones are good and should be brought back into style and which ones (like lead paint make up) are better left to history. Pretty sure we will all be working for her someday. (I mean ALL of us, including you dear reader-heck some of us already are LOL) She would like to be The First Lady when she grows up, have an apothecary, and possibly be a singer or an attorney. Wanna take bets on where she ends up?
Sage is a proud member of Girl Scouts, American Clan Gregor Society, and President of the local Children of the American Revolution society She’s amazing and I kind of want to be her when I grow up.
Read Cool things Sage does: HERE
Bailey Acorn
Bailey Acorn is a one of a kind pup. He’s a certified service dog who performs multiple tasks. (He’s in his training vest here) He is a rescue dog as well but don’t let his good manners fool you. He’d be happy to finish that taco for you.
Read More about Bailey and his pumpkin obsession HERE
Ready to join the celebration? Let’s party like it’s 1776! Let’s learn and embrace all our country has to offer! OOOO how about we all become a great big American Family?!?! (See what I did there? Is your mind blown?)
Sign up for our email list (I promise I won’t spam you with a bunch of cr#$. That doesn’t seem like a fine American tradition) and jump on the blog! Let’s get discovering and rediscovering!