Nancy Sinatra’s were made for walking but it turns out my boots were made for blogging…
My First Steps into Blogging

Yes, this is about my first steps into the great blogosphere and how these Boots were made for Blogging but first…
It’s Fall! It’s my favorite time of year! I’m excited to wear long sleeves, smell spicy autumny smells and wear my favorite thing…BOOTS! I freaking love my boots! My husband believes I may have too many. (Insert very amused laugh here) I love him…but he is wrong.
I feel like Wonder Woman when I wear my boots and for that reason alone there should not be a cap on how many pairs of boots are appropriate to own. Just sayin’…
I Wear Boots on All My Adventures
I wear boots on pretty much all my adventures. And adventures are a big part of who we are and what we do. Not only do I feel invincible in them but they protect me from unforeseen things like sharp rocks and snakes and other unpleasantries I do not like to think about.
This week my boots take me into a different kind of adventure.. the Blogosphere! (If I had the skills to put daunting yet epic music in this post, it would be here.)
This is new territory for us all but since by far I’m the technically challenged one in the family it really feels like “New Frontier” to me. Lucky for me for these first steps into blogging I have lots of ‘help.’ And by help, I mean distraction and interruption. Good thing he’s so cute.

What’s the Blog About?
I bet you’re wondering what exactly this blog is going to be about? (And you might be thinking, please not boots…) Well, the title is a big hint.
The lens is through This Family, all that we are and all that we do. It’s going to cover geneology, present day adventures, cool things and stories we discover, food, travel, our work, culture, and history… all with the flavor of Americana…because that’s who we are.
And we feel America could use a great big hug about now.

New Blogger Journey
I will also be sharing my journey going from complete newbie in blogging to whatever this is going to become. I love the concept of blogging (but I am brand new and it’s a steep learning curve!)! And I can’t wait to share this journey with you. If nothing else it will be entertaining…

OK But how are These Boots were made for Blogging
Well, boots are a staple. That much is certain…and a bit of a security blanket for me. So I’m wearing them, as I blog… Plus it’s a catchy tune!
I’m going to take the next five minutes to revel in the fact I just finished and published my first blog post. (Then I’ll be finding tutorials to learn how to actually link things where I said click here.) Ha! Who am I kidding! These boots are taking me to the coffee pot to refuel. I’ll tackle links tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read it! Would love to hear from you! Please comment below!!
Pop on over to the About Us page to learn a little more about us as individuals and about This Family. If you are thinking ‘Wow! They sound like fun! I’d like to keep in touch!’ fill out this wee form right here to get notified of new things as they happen.
If you are thinking THOSE BOOTS ARE AWESOME you would be correct! Here’s where you can get them!

First 30 days of Blogging
Why every Blogger needs an Email List
Blog Like Me: The Step by Step Series
Start Your Own Adventure Blog

Good luck on this new adventure!! Love the boot thing!!
Thank you!!!! Boots are Life
Thank you for sharing. Not a lot of people understand the journey.
lol I’m not even sure I understand the journey
Best of luck in your new endeavor! I am fairly new to blogging myself, and am learning something new all the time. Loving the journey!
Thank you and you too! I’ve seen several of your posts! i like your vibe!
Love your boot theme – very original! We’re fairly new to blogging as well and there is SO much to learn. I look forward to reading more about your adventures with it!
oh my gosh… SO much to learn! It’s a steep learning curve for sure!! Thanks for coming along for the crazy ride… we can compare notes along the way!
What a fun post! I love how you introduced it! Love that all of your adventures include boots!
hahaha thank you! It’s true… I may have a boot problem…. problem of course being my closet is too small.
Congratulations and good luck! Blogging is a fun adventure. My blog is still relatively new and I have so much to learn!
Thank you! You too! I’ve enjoyed your blog posts! It’s a steep steps learning curve! Let me know if you want to be ‘blogging buddies’.
Good luck! There is always something more to learn!
Cute theme! Looking forward to future posts! Good luck on this new journey!
Thank you! Keeping it real…. LOL
Look forward to your blog posts
Thanks for coming along on the adventure!
Can’t wait to read about all your adventures!
Thanks! Happy to have you along for the adventures!
I started blogging a month before you. It was such a leap into the unknown. Look how far you’ve come!!!
AW, thank you for saying that! How are you doing with yours? I have a three page to do list not including actual posts LOL Holy Everything!! There is so much to learn!!
I also just started my blog. I started in October 2018, but I didn’t have any real plan, progress or content until This month. So much to learn. It took 3 months just to know enough to start with quality content and lead magnets.
It’s very true! a lot to learn and a lot to do. Congrats on having a plan and progress!!! I feel like I’m still working on all that myself.
Congratulations on the blog and some awesome boots! Good luck!
Thank you!!! My boots thank you as well!
Boots are definitely the best! I live in mine year-round lol.
YES! Well, hello there kindred spirit!
Congratulations on your new adventure!
Thank you!!!! And Thank you for being a part of it!
So looking forward to all things boots….I mean blog.(Some things are hereditary…)