What exactly is an Adventure Go Bag? Well, sometimes adventure calls and before you know it you’re out the door! It’s about an hour later you start to realize all the things you forgot to pack and so you find yourself making a choice…. either continue on the adventure and stop to buy what you need when you need it (IF there are stores, IF they have what you need, IF you remembered to bring moneyer even have money) or scrap the adventure. BOO! Neither of these are good choices.
The Third Choice: A Go Bag
Obviously I’m speaking from experience. Can’t tell you how many times we’ve left for the day and we end up having to buy lunch and snacks, a new pair of sunglasses, water, and the list goes on…
Then one day and one kid later I got smart and started keeping an Adventure ‘Go Bag’ . I kept it by the front door and always made sure it was stocked. It made the world of difference for unexpected things that popped up (and there are always unexpected things that pop up-hello Life!) From experience, here’s the ten essentials for your Adventure ‘Go Bag’

A compass, a GPS unit, a charging unit for your phone. Your choice! All good answers but keep one in the bag at all times.
Sun Protection
Lip balm, sunglasses, a hat, SPF. If you see any of our family photos I’m usually in a big ol’ hat and big ol’ sunglasses. It’s not because I wasn’t to be Jackie O…. well maybe I do a little. But seriously, it’s because SPF sometimes bothers my skin. I know it’s super important but SPF and I just aren’t friends…at least not on my face. I’ve found over the years a big floppy hat does the trick and it hides bad hiking hair and adventure hair. Important for those Insta Moments… gross I know but true.
Weather Protection
Ponchos or light rain jacket, emergency hat and gloves, extra socks. I like the emergency ponchos because they are tiny and not bulky and disposable. Socks are necessary. If you’ve ever been caught having to walk back to wherever in wet socks, you know why. Avoid blisters, rot, and other nastiness I don’t want to talk about. Just pack extra socks. A pair for everyone. Again, light weight.

First Aid Kit
You can make it yourself or grab one pre made. I usually buy one and then add anything else I think I might need. I have one for the general Adventure Go Bag, one in each of the cars, and one in the dance bag that has extra wraps and ice packs. Overkill? Maybe but it’s saved the day on many many occasions.
Multi tool, duct tape, ziplock bags. I know it sounds a little nefarious but these little items have come in SO handy over the years. Ziplock bags can hold wet things, collected treasures, left overs… Duct tape fixes just about anything including torn shoes! (at least temporarily) I’ve even taped on a car mirror that fell off and a window that fell. A multi tool, well, that’s obvious. And these days they are so inexpensive it’s not out of the question to just get one and keep it in the Go Bag.
Hydration Station
Water. The most important thing. Period. Have extra on hand and keep dehydration AND crabby kids at bay. Handy for if you need Tylenol, get hot, need to rinse something off. It’s just a good idea. I recommend four bottles if your bag is big enough.
Flashlight or headlamp and extra batteries. Phones have lights (See charger earlier but good idea to have a back up. Flashlights always entertain kids too.
Just in Case Food
Granola bars, protein bars, etc. OK so listen, for kids especially but also grown ups! Sometimes adventure takes you far away from a place you can easily grab a bit to eat. Keep everyones spirits up and the whining away by making sure you have protein bars (for good energy), fruit gummies (for a quick burst of sugar), jerky and other non perishable items in individual wrappers. I usually keep little candies in there as well as surprise treats when we need them.
$10 and your emergency credit card because truly…you never know!
Personalize It
If you have kids I highly recommend also adding a book or two. Pick something they haven’t read. Mad libs or Mr Mystery are also good! If you are a hiking and outdoor adventuring family consider including matches and some paper as well. Disposable cameras and Instant cameras are fun and can serve a dual purpose of documenting AND entertaining children at the same time!

Your Go Bag will evolve over time. I think at one point each family member had their own go bag and they lived on the door knobs to the girls’ rooms as well as ours. Since then we’ve paired it back down to one bag that includes everyone. I check once a month to see it’s stocked up with water and non perishable snacks. Occasionally I find laundry and trash in there… #Lifewithkids but overall it’s been one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever done.
Do you have an Adventure Go Bag? What do you keep in yours?
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This is a great idea! Nice article.
Thank you!!!
What a great list! I love the idea of an adventure go bag!
Thanks! It’s been a life saver so many times!
That’s a great list of items to take along on an adventure! Some people don’t think of the tiny things, like the rain gear or flashlight. All great things to pack in a travel bag!
right? To be fair, my list could also be called “Things I wish I had on various adventures and could have saved me a LOT of heartache and money” or “Lessons from an idiot that rushed out the door without thinking” LOL
I love this idea! Just the mindset of always being ready for an adventure. What a great way to live.
I love this idea! I wish I had thought of it when my kids were young, but I think I’m going to make one for myself!
I know right!? I thought why didn’t I do this years ago?? LOL
I have a to go bag. But no for traveling, since I don’t do a lot of that, its for when I head over to the corral or out to drive the tractor! LOL You have great tips in this post. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed! There are no rights and wrong…We’ve made one specifically for acting auditions, one for dance practices, there is no limit…
What a great idea. We pack a backpack or thermal bag when we ‘plan’ a trip, but many times at the last minute, I still forget something. I never thought of having one handy all the time with the essentials. This is epic, especially for spontaneous adventures! Heck, even just going out, running errands and getting hungry/thirsty and not wanting to stop for fast food!
Does every day purse count as an adventure bag? Joke. This is a great list! Thanks for sharing it!
Funny you said that. I ALMOST put a line in there about my purse often feels like everyone else ‘Go Bag’ because I end up crying everything for everyone LOL
THis is a great idea! I always have a go bag, and people tease me about. But, I always have everything I need, and I never get a headache from too much sun or not having water handy.
I have been made fun of too..mostly by family. I like to remind them of that as I’m pulling out their snacks and water. I usually take a swig or a bite first as an added bonus. ๐
I like this idea so much! I would like to put together a go bag. Something like that could certainly make the decision to take off and go places easier to make without having to think about preparations.
RIGHT?! It’s not as cool as having a stocked RV in your driveway ready to go but it’s close!
That’s so awesome! A go bag would totally make it easier to take spontaneous trips, especially exploring locally. Thanks for sharing!
Yes! There have been several times I would not have gone but the hard part was already done so Why not?
Wonderful idea, even now when kids are grown. I often head out, not knowing whether an adventure will occur or not. Good to be prepared!
I’ve been known to keep a version of this in the car at all times too…
Great items! I really love the idea of having a bag ready to go. You should always be ready for adventures! The bag and hat are especially cute.
I love my floppy hats! I’m currently on the quest for a new one. My old one has finally bit the dust…sigh…
A go bag…what a terrific idea! I love this!
Awesome! I hope it inspires you!
I have a go bag!!! No floppy hit but I do have sunscreen. We use Amnivara because my kids have very sensitive skin and I have never thought of a charger!!
charger has saved me a time or two for sure! And now, they are more affordable then they used to be. I keep a version of this in the car as well but added portable jumper cables with its own battery pack and a charger just to keep in the car
I am always forgetting things when we go out for our adventures! This is such a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing!
If I’m laying all the cards on the table… this whole thing started because we would forget something and it is super irritating to have to find a drug store or a bank or grocery and spend money when you know you have all this at home… after about the fifty thousandth time, I decided OK, we’re building a Go Bag!
Some excellent suggestions!!!
Great ideas! A person should always be ready for the next adventure, rain or shine!
Cute idea, like a having a family pocketbook!
Great idea! We laugh because my dad took my kids on a nature walk and they ended up lost over an hour and were starving. They couldn’t believe grandpa didn’t bring snacks! He could have used this list for sure!
I’ve never had a “go bag”, and now I realize I’m missing out! Great ideas.
What a great idea, especially for busy mom’s who need to be ready to run out the door at a moment’s notice. I may have to try this for my husband and I who live in the middle of the country and are always late, running out the door at the last minute to be somewhere. Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea and awesome tips to add to it! Can’t believe I’ve never packed one of these with as many times as this has happened. Thanks so much! ?
How cool! I also think it’s cool that you go on enough unexpected adventures to need this! I guess I’m not very adventurous lol
Great tips! Thank you for sharing! I love to be prepared for everything!
This is such a great idea! This way you never miss out on an adventure.
Great idea. I will have to put one together for my adventures.
What a great idea! I kind of have one for the beach but never thought of this otherwise!
I have always had a go bag..you have helped update a few things I dis not have! Thank you!
These are all great ideas for a go bag! I love the floppy hat. Definitely not something I would normally think of. Side note: those fruit snacks are amazing ha.