SO EXCITED to review Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee!!!!
As an American History geek, I almost feel like it’s my duty to drink coffee daily. You know, the whole tea in the harbor thing….
We’re also fans of all things Gilmore Girls in This Family (but that’s another post)
AND we love to showcase and support American small business on the blog (‘cuz that’s what we’re built on).
So when I had the opportunity try Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee, it was kind of a no brainer. (In case you don’t know, Scott Patterson President/CEO is an accomplished actor best known for his portrayal of Luke Danes (master of all things coffee and diner) in Gilmore Girls)

Admittedly, I am a coffee snob. I like my coffee strong and and I like it now please.
Decisions, Decisions
I had a really hard time deciding which flavor of Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee to try. Reason being, Scott has really exemplified things that mean a lot to me personally. Like the Artemis Legend Select… he chose Artemis as an homage to his mom. I LOVE THAT!!! Then there was the Jamaican Me Crazy with all my coffee flavor favorites including caramel, vanilla, and of course, coffee. I want them all.
I finally decided on the House Blend.
My decision was because I was looking for a coffee I could sip on all day while I did bloggy things and I’d never had a coffee that incorporated the dried coffee cherry. This was interesting to me as the coffee cherry is a superfood and antioxidant. (Plus there is a little Artemis on all the coffee so there’s a little ‘YAY MOM’ on every bag). Gotta love that!
Also, house blend usually indicates what a company is known for, so it made sense to pick this one.

Review of The Coffee
The first thing I noticed was there is a distinct difference in smell and texture then most coffees. (I forgot about the whole coffee cherry thing so I was kind of worried for a minute) We usually buy beans rather than ground so it saved me a step and I felt a little lost in my routine. I DID use filtered water though… if you haven’t done that for your coffee, do. It just makes for cleaner and richer flavor.
When it started brewing it smelled SO GOOD! What was this new flavor layer in the air?
Guys, if you know me at all you know I will make a decision about a coffee in one sip. Cannot tell you how many times I’ve taken a sip of coffee and thrown out the rest. So you feel me when I say I stared at the cup of coffee for a minute or two before actually drinking it. I mean, it LOOKED good, it SMELLED great, but I was so afraid I wasn’t going to like it (and I really wanted to like it).
I drank it.
And when my husband asked how it was, ‘smooth’ was the word that came out. Smooth. The coffee had this interesting flavor layer and I couldn’t put my finger on it. So naturally, I drank some more-recon you know. I drank it with creamer and even had some black (which I rarely do). Smooth and flavor consistent. I sipped on that coffee all day long.
And then the lightbulb went off and I remembered the coffee cherries…

Drink Coffee and Feel Good
So here’s something I bet you didn’t know (‘cuz I didn’t until I looked it up). The coffee plant itself creates antioxidants to protect itself from the sometimes extreme conditions where it grows. Guess where those are? In the coffee cherry. Guess what is in Scotty P’s House Blend? Dried Coffee Cherry. Flavor mystery solved (and delicious).
What that means is the coffee cherry, which in the past has largely been discarded, is in fact a scientifically proven superfood… right up there with blueberries and kale! In addition, tons of antioxidants which protect cells against free radicals, play a role in fighting cancer, and slow down the aging process.
I’ll let you just sit with that knowledge for a minute while I sip on some more of my antioxidant filled Big Mug of House Blend.

Drink Coffee and Do Good
One thing I appreciate about Scott’s coffee is front and center on his home page he lets you know the personal care that goes into choosing the beans directly from plantations and co-ops therefore ensuring quality control but also Fair Trade assurance. Cool.
In addition, utilizing this coffee cherry in the coffee rather than simply tossing it aside creates new jobs up and down the supply chain line.
So just a wee recap here… Coffee that has anti aging goodness properties AND does good in the world AND supports small business…oh AND all coffee products proudly manufactured and packaged in the U.S.
I believe I’ll pour another cup…or five…
Clinking Big Mugs with Scotty P.
I had the tremendous opportunity to learn more about Scott Patterson and his coffee business, Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee.
Jen: Good morning Scott! Let’s start off with one of my favorite subjects, moms. Tell me/us about your mother. How did she influence you?
Scott: In so many ways. The value of hard work, not giving up, not complaining, not expecting life to be fair, giving credit to others, the importance of impeccable manners, the importance of reading at a high level, critical thinking and weighing all sides, never taking crap off anyone, generosity, charity, improving yourself daily, that life is a marathon not a sprint, sense of humor, not taking yourself too seriously, fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves, doing the right thing no matter how it impacts you personally in the short term, not sweating the small stuff, realizing it’s all small stuff. Remarkable woman.
Jen: I love this. My kind of woman!
Jen: soooo….how many cups of coffee do you average a day?
Scott: 7-10 cups a day. I live my own coffee and I love it, too. Can’t get enough. That’s one reason I built the company – I just wanted a great cup of coffee at a reasonable price.
Jen: Don’t we all. 🙂 Do you have a favorite blend currently? Does it change?
Scott: I love and drink them all on a rotating basis because that’s my job (not a bad job to have, eh?) but right now I’m obsessed with House Blend because of that hint of cherry. Just a note in there. I love that. That’s the coffee cherry additive we put into House Blend, Breakfast Blend that is made from the fruit that surrounds the coffee bean.
Jen: Tell me more about that. I could taste that and thought it was so unique! I thought that the cherry was usually just thrown away…
Scott: We do not discard that because it creates 46 BILLION pounds of waste in source countries which pollutes rivers, streams and fields, corrupting ground water, and releasing methane gas into the upper atmosphere. Instead, we grind that fruit into flour and add that to those two blends. Its a superfood, nutrient-rich anti-oxident that compliments the coffee beautifully while at the same time creates jobs in source countries up and down the supply chain. We are very proud of this. My team worked long and hard to make this happen so it’s a big win for us, our customers, and the planet.
Jen: Are you telling me my coffee habit is now going to do good things for the planet?
Scott: Customers now know that with each dollar they spend on SCOTTY P’S BIG MUG COFFEE part goes directly to creating a product that is cleaning up the planet. Sustainability and giving back is a huge component of this company and adding coffee cherry to the blends makes this possible in a direct and impactful way. I am more proud of this than anything I’ve ever done because this is a love letter – if you will – to my customers and to dear Mother Earth. We want to grow in the right way and providing GREEN JOBS, increasing the health benefits to the coffee for my customers, and moving forward as a company in a responsible, sustainable way allows us to do just that.
Jen: THIS IS SO SO COOL! I LOVE IT!!! OK, so me being the coffee officianato/snob that I am, I know using good water makes a big difference in the coffee. A little bird told me you were working on something to this effect…
Scott: We are developing a water that we feel will enhance the coffee drinking experience exponentially. This is the biggest challenge we have taken on to date, but one I feel very good about. I can’t divulge much at this stage as it’s TOP SECRET but I will share info when appropriate.
What I can say is, because of the success of the coffee cherry superfood additive in the coffees, we are starting a new division that will offer all-natural, health-related products that will help people manage and alleviate any number of personal health issues. We are very excited about this and will announce something pretty soon so keep your ears peeled!
Artemis…on every bag of coffee and a salute to Mom
Jen: On This family Blog, we believe in a healthy sense of pride. You have such a great family story. You come from a long line of entrepreneurs including your great great grandfather, Francis Ford Patterson Sr., who founded the Camden Daily Courier.
Scott: Yes and then his son become an editor for the Philadelphia Record and then went on to own a couple of banks and was a representative in the first congressional district of New Jersey.
Jen: That’s living the American Dream! Tell me, for you, what’s the BEST part of being American?
Scott: Being part of a very generous, compassionate people. I hope we can learn to be more patient with others, listen to them, hear their stories. Everyone has a story and if you listen then worlds open up.
Jen: LOVE IT!!! AND…love the coffee too!!!
American Dreams
Being on a hit TV show that has grown into a fan favorite, Scott has been fortunate enough to live that Hollywood dream. But as eluded to in our interview, he is also living another American Dream… that of being an entrepreneur. It comes with a lot of hard work but one he gladly puts in every aspect of the business.
I’m a big fan of people living their passion and clearly Scott is doing just that. As he put it in our interview. “That’s one reason I built the company – I just wanted a great cup of coffee at a reasonable price.”
All American Dreams start with a seed, and in this case it’s a coffee bean. Feeling inspired?
Where to Buy It
Want to make Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee a part of YOUR story? Currently you can purchase it by clicking on the photos (AMAZON) or from
Keep up on all the Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee news here
Connect with Scott Patterson the person on his social media
According to Scott, coffee should be free flowing to fill that BIG MUG of life with great memories. Seeing as our motto is have great adventures, tell great stories, we couldn’t agree with you more, Scott!
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I am also a coffee snob…and LOVE coffee mugs!!! Lol I love this post! Thank you for sharing!!
Very Interesting! It sounds delicious!
My dad would love this as a gift.
So cool! I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan and really jealous that you got to interview Scott! I will definitely be trying this coffee!
I love coffee and this coffee sounds so cool! Thank you for the info! I must try!
I love coffee and you just gave me something new to try. Thanks!
I’m so glad you are inspired. It really is a fun new taste.
LOVE THIS SO MUCH – I never knew he was doing this. I kid YOU NOT – I am sitting here in my “first I drink the coffee, then I do the things” sweatshirt. Gilrmore Girls and Luke Diner forever! Now this!
HAHAHAHAHA Well hello new friend! You clearly speak my language. 🙂
I had no idea about this brand! Great to know and it sounds yummy!!
It’s definitely a smaller brand but my sense of it is it is going to grow….
Holy yum! This sounds fantastic!
and it is! 🙂 Thank you for checking it out!
What a cool experience and even better that the coffee and the guy behind turned out to be absolutely awesome!
That’s my favorite part. Meeting a person who is passionate about what they do and crafts something wonderful from that passioN!
great review! thanks so much for sharing & love the interview!
Thank YOU for taking the time to read it and learn 🙂
Ooh, intriguing post! I LOVE coffee (think addict), and I would love to try some of this brand. Thanks for sharing about it!
Thank you for reading Debbie! I too am a coffee….uh…lover… 😉 I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Great review and interview! I love a good cup of coffee but a great cup of coffee is what I truly am obsessed with. I never watched the Gilmore girls, but what a wonderful experience to meet the founder of the company that has the celebrity appeal for his brand. Can’t wait to try it! Thanks for sharing!
Oh Holly, I love a great cup of coffee too! I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I do!
Interesting post on Scotty Ps Big Mug Coffee
Thank you for taking the time to read it Jennifer. 🙂 Cheers!
This sounds like some yummy coffee! Thank you for the review
Thank you for taking the time to read. It really did surprise me. 🙂
I haven’t met a cup of coffee I haven’t liked 🙂 I’ll have to give this one a whirl!
OH, I’ve met some…LOL but yes, give it a whirl! It’s a good one!
Love a great cup of coffee
Indeed! And hello my new friend!
We love trying different coffees – so many unique finds out there! Have to add this to the list!
Lovely! and enjoy! Cheers!!!
How fun to meet a celebrity and get to have an interview. I was a Gilmore Girls fan, didn’t they try and make a new round on netflix?
They did indeed… Gilmore Girls a Year in the Life… it was a four part series. Scott is a very interesting person and I was fortunate to have met him… and his coffee 🙂
I don’t drink coffee, but this makes me want to! Great interview!
haha perfect! Thank you for reading!
Great review! Looks like a must-try for coffee lovers!
indeed! And great for gift giving as well!
This is the coolest article!! I LOVE coffee so now I am absolutely going to have to put this coffee on my list. What an awesome amount of info and interaction received from the man itself! I love it!
Oh I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It truly was a surprise for me… and a lovely one at that!
I love this! I am also a huge coffee and Gilmore Girls fan! 🙂
Excellent! Well…… you’re going to LOVE all that I have coming down the pike here! Hope you’ll consider subscribing so you’ll be the first to know!