Pumpkin Baking Season
Tis the season to be pumpkin! Pumpkin baking that is!!!
Don’t believe me? Enter a store…. there is pumpkin flavored anything you can imagine! Whereas I love Love LOVE walking around and seeing all the festive, when it comes to holiday celebrating, part of the fun this time of year is making things. Usually this is the time of year I do canning but schedule demands didn’t allow for that this year. I am however doing some baking. Specifically celebrating a magical American original! Pumpkin Baking!
Now let me put this disclaimer in… if you read my ‘About Me‘ you will note I’m terrible in the kitchen.
This is a true statement.
I have never been good at putting together a meal…on time…everything hot at the same time…nothing under cooked…or burned. It’s a gift that was simply not given to me.
Where I AM talented however, is baking. It’s a one off. And I have my recipe box of seasonal favorites. And there is a section for pumpkin baking…
Basically, I only bake this time of year…which could be why what I make is good. (you know…short, tangible, reachable goals)
My pumpkin roll is legendary as is my dry meat (beef jerky). If we could live on such things as apple butter and pickles, we’d be golden!
But I digress… back to pumpkin everything. Here’s the pumpkin puree I use:
Pumpkin, a True American Original
Yup, pumpkins were here long before the Mayflower! And they came in all kinds of sizes, colors and shapes!
Pumpkin Dog Treats
I decided to make pumpkin dog treats. It is a simple recipe and I thought Sage could help. We made these for Bailey last year when he was brand new and he loved them. Also, pumpkin is good for dog digestion so it’s a healthy treat!
Well, pretty much from the moment I opened the can, Bailey could hardly contain himself. He normally isn’t allowed in the kitchen, especially when there is cooking going on but there was pretty much nothing I could do to keep him out while I cooked. To his credit, he did wait paitiently… sort of…
I’ve heard people say dogs don’t have long memories but because of today, I completely disagree! Clearly Bailey remembered this smell. And he associated it with something scrumptious. No doubt in his mind whatever I was making was for him.
There was a lot of lip smacking and he did try to stay out of the way but he kept learning in for a whiff or two…and to make sure I hadn’t dropped any morsels…which is the dog equivalent to ‘Can I lick the beaters?’
Dogs Love Pumpkin
Now, normally Bailey is a very well behaved dog. He’s a certified service dog and performs several different service tasks.
It’s probably why he was fine to sit and wait…. and stare…. and wait…. and stare… and wait…and stare… It would have been creepy it it wasn’t so cute.
Bailey was very determined. Ive actually never seen him this focused for so long. (Which means no more excuses in Service Dog training because now I know what he’s capable of)
When they were finally done I thought he was going to just burst with joy. Bailey could hardly contain himself and was bouncing like a toddler. he let out little whines of excitement as I tossed them into the bowl and I swear he drooled on the kitchen floor! And then just as the excitement came…it went and the look of defeat took over his face…They still had to cool off. I felt bad but also, might have laughed a little. Worst best day of his life!
Behold all the stages of Waiting…
Finally, it was time! Sage used the pumpkin treats to practice his service dog moves including one where, when someone cries, Bailey will come up and nuzzle them. He was a wee zealous though, knowing there was a pumpkin treat coming his way. Note to self…pumpkin is like catnip to Bailey.
Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

Pin it for later! If I can do it, you can do it!
Pumpkin Human Treats
The pumpkin Josh picked up for me was ginormous and now I was tasked with what to do with it.
SO…. I whipped up a loaf of pumpkin bread. I don’t know if I’m amused or disturbed that the effect on Sage was basically the same as Bailey.

Pumpkin bread is lovely and one of the most simple recipes ever. Even I can’t screw it up. It was a nice warm up because I know I’ll be making the famous pumpkin roll next week. And THAT is an all day event!
I was quite pleased with myself for making pumpkin dog treats and pumpkin bread but also still found myself staring at half a can of pumpkin puree… What to do… What to do…
About then Josh came into the kitchen looking for a snack. He wanted something sweet and didn’t think my joke about ‘Well here I am’ was very funny so I jumped on line (because clearly I was on baking roll-ha get it baking…roll…) and I found a new recipe for Pumpkin Donut Holes. It was a grand experiment and I am pleased to say they came out rather awesome!
Pumpkin Donut Holes Pumpkin Bread and Dog Treats

More Pumpkin Delights
So Bailey has his amazing treats, Sage has pumpkin bread, Josh has pumpkin donut holes, Madison Bella requested I make my famous pumpkin roll to send to her in college and that leaves me…. and one more serving of pumpkin…what ever shall I do with it?
I feel like I should have a pumpkin baking crown. Do they make such a thing?
Happy Husband Happy Sage Content with full tummy What’s next?
What have you done with pumpkin baking? Share your ideas in the comments below! Do love this seasonal goodness? Sign up for fun ideas on how to celebrate the whole year through…and learn a little something too!
Sounds delicious!!!!!!!!!