Ready for ideas to celebrate an American spring? Celebrate all spring long with these creative ideas!
We have more patriotic, historic, and just plain creative and fun ideas than actual days in the season! Prepare to be egg-cited!
It’s an American spring! and it’s time to celebrate!
See (and learn about) the famous Washington DC Cherry Blossoms: It’s a fascinating story that begins in 1885. In 1912, Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo gifted 3,000 cherry trees to the American capital. Now we celebrate an annual spring festival every year and they are a sight to behold and a testament to cultural relations.
Evacuation Day: In Boston there is a VERY Patriotic holiday. that happens on March 17th. No, it’s not St. Patrick’s Day. This celebration in all American! It’s the day America won our first battle of the American Revolution! A huge reason to celebrate!
Memorial Day: The American holiday has been a little lost over the years but it was first widely observed on May 30, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers. Worth looking it up and seeing why we have this holiday. Every city has celebrations. Check with your local National Cemetery for some near you. The ideas of how to celebrate are varied but finding out why we celebrate may change how you currently celebrate. Way more than backyard BBQ. It’s an American original.

Usher in strawberry season with amazing patriotic masterpieces: I love it when a food goes All American! These gems are no exception! These are made with white chocolate and blue sugar. Need healthier ideas? We use sour cream on ours. Either way it’s a great way to celebrate the spring return of the American strawberry!

Teach your family The Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner or the American’s Creed: so everyone is ready at at their American best to celebrate Independence Day. (all of these are star spangled spectacular ideas)
Attend opening day of baseball season: Celebrate the All American pastime, right? Perfect way to celebrate an All American Spring…probably need a hot dog too…burgers and dogs..both good ideas… both ultra American…LOL
Celebrate like the Ancestors
Plant something like an herb garden: Many tribes as well as colonists planted gardens and early spring. If you don’t have a yard, consider a windowsill garden. Honor the ancestors AND get something yummy out of the deal. win win.
Have a picnic in the park: Picnic ideas come from an originally a 17th Century French word, picque-nique. Picnics really came into vogue about a hundred years later. It was a favorite leisure past time of the aristocracy. They became an American staple and an ideal way to celebrate spring!
Visit a farm to see the baby farm animals: Always a favorite spring field trip in This Family…celebrate new life!!! we like to see all the babies all fuzzy and stumbly and new.
Fly a kite: There is a reason for the Mary Poppins song. Like the pick nick, back in the days before cell phones and iPads, it was the American thing to do and for sure one of the go to ideas to celebrate spring.
Dye eggs like the Dutch settlers: Celebrate this spring tradition using spinach, beet, and tree bark. Lots of dye ideas! It’s not quite the same as PAAS but this American tradition is natural and fun.

Things to do in March
Hunt for four leaf clovers: We occasionally do leprechaun traps as well. Good green fun for the spring and usually a few pieces of ‘gold‘ turn up
Celebrate St Patrick’s Day and Irish American Month: On St. P’s Day EVERYONE is Irish, at least here in the states! The Irish have a big part in American history and our traditions are pretty different than how they celebrate in Ireland. But there are so many ideas to celebrate this spring holiday. Check local papers and websites for going ons. For sure part of an All American Spring.
Wear green: There is a long standing Irish tradition of Wearing O’ The Green. Plus it’s a great ‘Yay Spring!’ color too.
Celebrate National Women’s History Month: This is becoming a more celebrated month of recognition with book readings, films, seminars, and more. Loads of ideas! Nice to see more stories being shared to give a more robust look at American history.
Things to do in April
Play a joke on April Fools Day: Good clean fun. Here’s some inspiration. Cracked myself up looking at this. Have to get it for my ten year old.
Wear rabbit ears: on your head and on your car. Why should reindeer have all the fun? 1000% sure we Americans invented decorating our cars (and ourselves) for Easter. We have egg-cellent ideas like that. LOL
Celebrate and learn about: Easter or Passover or Ostara or Spring Equinox. Even if you don’t celebrate, learn what someone else does. Connecting with others is always in style and very American.
Visit the Easter Bunny: Honestly, mall bunnies terrify me. I’d opt for a visit to the pet store to pet real bunnies instead but either way, it’s a story to tell. 😉
Decorate Easter eggs: We love our holidays and this is no egg-ception! Honestly, watching all the pretty colors go into the sink and down the drain is pretty fun too… so many great ideas for how to dye eggs these days. Very creative!
Do an egg hunt: Inside or outside, this is always SO MUCH FUN and the Easter Bunny never seems to run out of ideas! We even did an escape room in our home one year. The girls had to find their Easter Baskets by escaping the living room. It was pretty great.
Celebrate Earth Day: So many local celebrations and spring things to do. Earth Day is becoming a very American holiday and your local paper will have ideas and happenings.
Say something nice on Siblings Day: I know it’s hard. Do it anyways.
Watch the Easter Beagle: It’s a classic and would not be an All American Spring without it. Plus watching Snoopy celebrate with the bunnies is just plain adorable.

Things to do in May
Celebrate Mother’s Day: She brought you into this world…
Talk with your Grandmother (or someone else’s): They are moms too and hold so much wisdom, just because they’ve been around longer than us…
Do a May Pole: Interesting history behind this one. This isn’t American but it was celebrated in early America. Like most ideas, it morphed with the times. A unique way to celebrate!
Honor Memorial Day: Like mentioned before, it’s supposed to be more than an ‘extra day off’ or opening of BBQ season. Important to our overall American culture to take the time to sleuth out an event, attend, and teach our kiddos (and remind ourselves) what it took to get where we are today.
Be a Kid
Jump in puddles: It’s free, it’s fun, it’s wet. AND your mom can’t tell you to stop it because you are an adult. How American is THAT?! Just have a towel and some dry shoes and socks when you are finished. Mom will be proud.
Play in the mud: Right up there with jumping in puddles. Same comments apply.
Blow bubbles: Because who doesn’t love bubbles?? They are magic! And now that the weather is warmer, you can! Not just the little bubbles from the drug store, go for the GIANT ones!!!
Climb a tree: Again, free, easy, fun. I love all these ideas! Getting grubby was always the best way to celebrate playing outside again!
Swing: from a branch, from a jungle gym, a swing set, a porch swing. It’s pretty much a perfect thing to do…swing in spring…
Feed ducks: They are likely hungry and there will be cute little fluffy fuzzball ducklings to melt your heart
Skip stones across a lake: Remember looking for the perfect rock? Contests for who could get the most skips? George Washington supposedly did it across the Potomac…pretty sure that’s American legend but still it’s a good story and a fun way to celebrate the spring thaw.
Dance in the rain: because
Get a really great umbrella and goulashes: I like the old fashioned plastic ones like I had when I was a kid. (umbrella and goulashes)
Play leap frog: so much better then duck duck goose
Draw on the sidewalk with chalk: This is the best time of year to do it because you don’t have to clean it up! The rain will!!!
Build a fairy house: Oh and there is a great book to go with this activity AND did you know there is a whole island dedicated to this?? All the info is in the book. GREAT FAMILY TRIP!

Be Nostalgic
Visit a farmers’ market: fresh fruits and veggies in season!
Eat fresh: spring fruit and veggies. So many to pick from!!!
Pick strawberries: There are a couple Native American legends about the first strawberries. I know two stories. Here’s One. How about having strawberries at dinner and telling the story?
Host a garden tea party: For kids, for adults, for everyone! It was the thing to do in the 1700’s, in the 1800’s, even in the early 1900’s. Dress up optional. We have a GREAT Store for Historical Costumes set up for you to peruse.
Modern American Things to do
Plan Spring Break Vacation: Us Americans love to plan! You’ll find the planner I am currently using and love HERE (planning in general…very American)
Go on Spring Break Vacation: Pretty sure we (American) invented this tradition.
Eat Peeps and jellybeans: President Ronald Reagan loved his jellybeans so eat them and feel patriotic! My mom loves peeps so had to include these treasures too. celebrate with sugar overload… pretty sure that’s American too.. LOL
Spring clean a closet, a room, a house: So not my favorite All American Spring tradition BUT I do love it when it smells good and the accumulated junk is gone so….just some ideas…it COULD justify all the sugar mentioned above?
Celebrate May 4th: like a true Star Wars Fan…May the 4th be with you… I’m more of a Harry Potter Girl myself but it’s a thing and my husband looks forward to it every year.
Welcome Spring to the Environment
Build a birdhouse: They will love it!
Pick up litter: Like giving the park or the neighborhood a little hug
Plant a butterfly bush: Butterfly populations are on the decline. Give them a little place to rest and eat. Every little bit helps.
Scatter wildflower seeds along roadways: Don’t you love driving and seeing wildflowers along the road? It’s cheap and easy and it’s pretty 🙂

Witness Spring
This section is just full of ideas to sit quietly and bear witness to the world waking up. No explanations needed. Just be quiet, unplug, and be a part of things, even if just for a moment… John Muir (whose birthday is in spring) is smiling. Quiet ideas….
Listen to the rain
Watch bumblebees
Watch a tree over time as it buds and blooms and wakes up
Listen to birds or bird watch
Look for rainbows
Let the sun warm your face
Open your windows and let the spring air freshen everything
Stop and actually smell the flowers
Flower Power
Much like the last section these are free things to do that just helps invite the joy that is spring into all corners of our modern American lives. Celebrate!!
Decorate with spring flowers
Press flowers and make a craft with them
Put edible flowers on a salad
Plant flowers or bulbs
Scatter wildflower seeds along roads and highways (yeah I put it in here twice because I think it’s such a cool idea!)
Wear flowers in your hair or make a flower crown
Make wishes on dandelions
Dry flowers
Final Notes
So many ways to celebrate an All American Spring! Which ideas are new to you? What ideas did you not realize were American? What will you celebrate this spring? Tell us in the comments below!
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Be sure to check out other ways to celebrate American holidays and traditions all year long!
I love the patriotic strawberry idea!!
It’s fun right? One of many creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
Great ideas! No one can say they have nothing to do if they read this. Also those strawberries are adorable!
haha! So much fun! SO many creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
Such great ideas to celebrate one of my favorite seasons! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
I’m sure you have a fewcreative ideas to celebrate an American spring too!!
Great tips! I can’t wait for spring!
I hope you use some of our creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
These are some great ideas thank you for sharing.
Did you find some creative ideas to celebrate an American spring?
I love these ideas! I love the childhood memories that came flooding back with the mention of hunting for four-leaf clovers! <3 I kinda want to go do that again as a grown up!
Awww yay!!! I think as adults we forget about our best memories and need a reminder for creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
So many fun ideas! I like the idea of a Leprechaun trap. If we don’t have snow on the ground, maybe we will try it.
We did it and it was awesome! snow or no… there are tons of creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
I love all of these ideas! Those strawberries are so cute…red, white, and blue food always looks so fresh and appealing to me!!
haha me too! I love a good creative food presentation. Especially when it’t patriotic! yay America! Hope you find some ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
I’m so excited to garden in the spring! These are great tips
right? It’s like spring arrives and the creativity starts flowing! Tons of ideas to celebrate.
I’m so excited to begin gardening in the spring!
Time to get creative and celebrate! yay Spring! yay creative ideas!
Spring is one of my favorite seasons – love the “beginning” and “newness” of the year! Great ideas!
I’m glad you liked out creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !! Time to celebrate!
I love this list. So many good ideas! I love Spring and I am looking forward to taking a little vacation and doing some of these things on your list!
Excellent! i hope you find inspiration in our creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
So many new ideas for Spring! I don’t know where to start! I do like the picture of the strawberries with the patriotic colors…I once made a similar version with cherries (although they soaked in alcohol before decoration) – I was going to a party! Thank you for sharing all of these ideas!
So glad you are inspired by our creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
Some great ideas! I love Spring! Everything that was sleeping over the Winter comes to life!
Spring is special that way! It’s like creativity and ideas come alive again! Time to celebrate!
What a great list! I will totally sit and eat Peeps all day!
LOL My kind of girl! My cousin just showed me how to roast them for a new take on stores. So many creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
What an inspiring list of ways to love our country and share a little patriotic pride through the spring! I love this!
Thank you Holly! That’s exactly what I was going for! Creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
great list! i’ve always wanted to visit DC when the cherry trees are blossoming.
I think it’s a special way to celebrate an American spring !! So many patriotic and creative ways…but that might be my favorite. 😉
Wow! So many great ideas!!!! Now I want to go to DC, get some strawberries and plant and plant an herb garden.
HAHAHAHA Best comment ever…. clearly you are my kind of girl
Love Spring! One of my favorite times of the year. Flowers are a big part of it 🙂
I’m so glad! I could do a whole post on how to use flowers as creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
I have made those strawberries for our party on July 4th…they are awesome. I love your ideas for getting out there and enjoying the new season. For us, it doesn’t arrive for another couple of months.
I’m obsessed with these strawberries… so cool! I thought they were a super creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
I love all your ideas. We pick strawberries every s.pring. We also color eggs, even though my kids are older now. It is just a fun tradition
It IS a fun tradition! and a great way to celebrate spring! Very American 🙂 Glad you like the ideas!
An interesting range of things to do. I like the way you have included activities from the past
Thank you. I think sometimes we forget about the simple pleasures that we had in the not so distant past. It doesn’t need to be bells and whistles and sensory overload to be creative…. loads of ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
Flower power for sure at this time of year.
Indeed! Flowers are some great creative ideas to celebrate an American spring !!
I love this post! Thank you for reminding us what spring is all about. The focus on patriotism is what we need right now.
Thank you. That’s a big focus of our blog. I hope you’ll consider joining us.
I love this! You have so many great ideas and tons of useful information here. Also, this is perfect timing–I was just wondering this morning when would be the best time to go see the cherry blossoms in DC. Thank you!
The festival itself lasts three weeks but I would for sure check the weather. Last year it was short and early…
This is an outstanding list. Many of them I have done at some point, but one that never gets old is listening to rain on a tin roof.
It’s one of my absolute favorite things in the world
Super cute and fun ideas! Thank you for sharing!!
hank you for taking the time to read. 🙂
These are all great ideas! I am so excited for spring to come!
Thank you for reading!
Those strawberries are so flipping adorable! I love your patriotic posts!
Thank you Tricia! I appreciate that
super cute ideas! my favorite is the strawberries (my son’s favorite fruit) so will have to do that this spring!
do it! They are so so cute! We use sour cream instead of chocolate…less sugar LOL