Celebrities or Hollywood Heroes? It’s an interesting question really. According to the dictionary, celebrity is a famous person, a VIP, a giant, and a leading light. Celebrity is a mantel and we the people get to decide who to gift it to. I live in Hollywood and am surrounded by celebrity daily. I’ve watched celebrity as something people chase and I’ve seen the affects as people gain it. Without passing judgement but rather simply as an observer, it’s fascinating.

Celebrity vs Hero
If you google celebrity, the cruise line comes up along with the various Kardashians. Then there is a litany of other people including Pink, various You Tubers, and others along the same lines. No surprise really. If you google Hollywood Heroes, up pops collectible shops for trinkets. Looking around at our global reputation as Americans, it’s no surprise then that world wide we are seen as rather superficial, definitely materialistic, and value things that are fast, unnecessary, and disposable. Look what we put out as representative. Very different then just 50 years ago when cowboys and lawmen were kings of the screen.

The US is the entertainment capitol of the world. We pump out more music and TV and film and books and games then any other country worldwide. Cool right? This is even cooler…WE have a say in what gets made. That’s the beauty of consumerism and we Americans are experts at that, aren’t we?
The dictionary definition of hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. I’d like to propose that we the people look at who and what we choose to put on pedestals and remember it IS our choice. The greatest freedom we have as Americans is choice. Perhaps, as consumers, we can exercise that with some conviction. I love the dictionary definition of celebrity as ‘leading light’.
I challenge us then to look back at a time not very long ago, when our collective American psyche seemed a bit more in sync with each other. We really looked up to our celebrities as Hollywood Heroes, because, in fact, they were. Here are just SOME of the Hollywood Heroes that stood for our nation.
Heroes in Hollywood
Jimmy Stewart, US Army Air Corps. Bomber pilot who rose to the rank of General
Ernest Borgnine, US Navy. Gunners Mate 1c, destroyer USS Lamberton
Ed McMahon, US Marines, Fighter Pilot. Flew OE-1 Bird Dogs over Korea
Telly Savalas, US Army
Walter Matthau, US Army Air Corps. B-24 Radioman/Gunner and crytographer
Steve Forrest, US Army. Wounded at the Battle of the Bulge
Paul Newman, US Navy Rear seat gunner/radioman, torpedo bombers of USS Bunker Hill
Kirk Douglas, US Navy. Sub chaser in the Pacific. Wounded in action and medically discharged
Robert Mitchum, US Army
Henry Fonda, US Navy. Destroyer USS Satterlee

Art Carney, US Army. Wounded on Normandy Beach. Limped the rest of his life.
Tony Curtis, US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus in Tokyo Bay for the surrender of Japan
Mickey Rooney, US Army under Patton. Bronze Star
Deforest Kelley, US Army Air Corps
Charlton Heston, US Army Air Corps, Radio operator and aerial gunner on a B-25 Aleautians
James Arness, US Army. Infantyman and wounded at Anzio, Italy
Rod Sterling, US Army. 11th Airborne Division in the Pacific. He jumped at Tagaytay in the Philippines and was later wounded in Manila
Gene Autry, US Army Air Corps. Crewman on transports that ferried supplies over “The Hump” in the China-Burma-India Theater
Jackie Coogan, US Army Air Corps. Volunteered for gliders and flew troops and materials into Burma behind enemy lines
Tom Bosley, US Navy
Fred Gwynne, US Navy, Radioman
Rock Hudson, US Navy, Aircraft mechanic, the Philippines
Ronald Reagan, US Army. Was a 2nd Lt. in the Cavalry Reserves before the war. His poor eyesight kept him from being sent overseas with his unit when war came so he transferred to the Army Air Corps Public Relations Unit where he served for the duration.
John Wayne, Declared ‘4F, medically unfit’ due to pre-existing injuries. Nonetheless, he attempted to volunteer three times for the Army, Navy, and Film Corps
WOW, right?
Did you feel your heart swell with pride? Pretty amazing isn’t it? It wasn’t that not that long ago, when the faces that graced our silver screens believed in our country, stood for our country, and fought for our country. No wonder we looked up to them, wanted them in our parades and on our posters. We have a massive issue these days with veterans being homeless and all the issues that go with that. Collectively, our veterans aren’t so valued and they certainly aren’t being hailed as heroes in Hollywood.

Of course there are exceptions. I’m speaking in generalities. The trend of people and traits we hailed as heroes on and off screen just 1-2 generations ago to present is startling and deserves us as humans and consumers to take pause. Let’s make sure we actually believe in what we are doing and it is in fact, a choice, not just blind consumerism. Does that make sense?
One last disclaimer. There is no mention of political party or sexual orientation in this list. That’s because it doesn’t matter. Anyone can be (and should be) a patriot.
Call to Action
My challenge is for us to simply be aware of where our money goes and be mindful with our choices as consumers. Media has massive influence on us all. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have heroes for our kids to look up to? Not the ones from alternate universes with capes and super powers, not the ones who rake in millions by being walking drama, not ones spending their time and money filling their bodies with silicone and fillers…but ones they can ACTUALLY look up to in how they live their lives? Hollywood heroes as leading lights? What do you think?

WOW!!! I had no idea about the history of these people you shared! Great post!
Isn’t it fun?? I was so inspired learning about all these guys!!! And then I looked at what was trending on social media with our current ‘stars’ and the vast difference was so clear. It was mind blowing.
As parents we need to set examples of what kind of people to look up to. I don’t bother bringing up people not worth talking about like the Kardashians. I have no idea what’s going on in their life at all. If it’s not important to me, it won’t be important to our children either. I love to talk to my children about all kinds of things. If we hear about them on the radio, we have an opportunity to talk about what kind of people we want to be like and why. I’m very curious to know if my kids have any “famous” role models.
I would love to know what became of that conversation with your kids. I think talking and education is always in good taste.
Very interesting post! And a great list of people to admire. I love to have these kinds of discussions. Personally I admire anyone who follows their passion. It doesn’t necessarily make them a hero in most people’s eyes. But in my eyes it’s makes them courageous. I love the whole movie industry and look forward to the award shows each year. Why? Because I get to see people share their gifts and their passions. They don’t all have the same political views or lifestyles or world views. But they offer who they are at a profound level and continue to chase their dreams. That inspires me. I’m so envious that you live in Hollywood! One of my bucket list items is to attend a premier or award show there someday.
I’m glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate your comments. Heroes can indeed stand for many things. I am glad to know those positive messages of award shows. I think living in tinsel town I don’t see the same sparkle sometimes that others do. I hope you get to check that item off your bucket list! If you are here in town, let me know and I’ll see if I can help that dream come true.
This is fascinating. You really did your homework.
I’m so glad you enjoyed Wendy!
Love this post! Great to be reminded of what true heroes look like.
Thank you Junell! I’m glad you enjoyed!
I imagine this must cross your mind so often seeing as you are surrounded by Hollywood culture. It’s good you haven’t let it suck you in, and if anything it’s given you pause to reflect.
all day every day… LOL
What a fascinating list! Thank you for compiling it, and for calling light to this idea of “Hollywood Hero”. I hadn’t really thought about it before. It does seem there was a bit more depth/dimension to some of the stars of old.
Thank you Maliai. I believe there really is something worth noting here and thinking about what we place as the ‘bar’ these days. I hope it sparks good thought and even better conversation.
I love this post. You worded it all very well. And you’re absolutely correct—we should be careful of who gets which title.
Thank you Magan! Glad you enjoyed!
This brought tears for quite a few reasons
Karla, I hope they were good reasons…would love to talk
This is so good for my kids, thank you!
Oh I’m so glad!!!
Great post!!! It is so difficult to explain this concept to kids, but at the same time, it is so critical. I love your list, and will use it to share with my family.
So glad to hear! I would love to know how the conversation goes!
Awesome post. I’m glad to see the real heroes pulled from the celeb pack.
I would never call a celebrity from this day and age a hero. It’s sad people raise their children to look up to people like the Kardashians. Americas true heroes are our soldiers.
I would agree with you. It’s a bit disheartening. BUT the hope would be that through reading and writing in forums such as this, we all give pause to what we support with our words and also our dollars. I do believe we can and do make the difference. Thank you for reading
This is so cool! I love things like this!
It’s really awesome right?? Maybe we can encourage more of this
Love people and things that we can be proud of.
Very nice post, and I enjoyed the differentiation between celebrity and hero, especially after watching the Bachelorette last night! I didn’t realize all those people had served before.
It was actually my dad who brought it to my attention and it really got me thinking. I mean admittedly, part of it was the time period and we haven’t been at war for a while, but bigger than that it was the patriotic sense of duty that was prevalent. My favorite part I think is that these guys (and oodles more) were just humble. They didn’t publicize it, they just were being them. I would love to see more of that now
I thoroughly enjoyed your perspective on this. Today’s celebrities are certainly not the same as those of the past. Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you Suzan. And I am glad you took the time to read. I hope it sparks some good conversations for you.
Thank you for this post. I couldn’t agree more, we have misplaced what hero actually means. In my opinion, when a man gets paid millions to PLAY a sport, and doesn’t have the decency to stand for the national anthem, and disrespects true heroes, we then have a true problem. We need to re-define what a true hero is, because our current view isn’t working well for us.
The whole stand or not to stand for the flag is an entirely different subject but then again, not really. It is all tied together isn’t it? I whole heartedly agree with you and it’s the one quasi political stance I do take publicly. It hurts my heart knowing what my grandfathers did and theirs before them and to see them disrespected in that way. But I see it as a deep social issue, rather than political. The whole scenario shows how much we’ve changed in what we the people value above all else. I would agree our current collective views should be reexamined and hopefully talked out without anger and with a mind to heal and move forward. I hope we can be part of that solution. I hope these articles give people reasons to have interesting and positive conversations. Thank you for reading and for sharing so candidly.
Neat information!
Thank you! I thought so too!
I love the Hollywood heroes! Dunny story, my uncle was drinking a little too much and pushed Ed McMahon in a hotel pool down the shore in NJ!
hahahaha I love celebrity run in stories! Thank you for sharing!
That’s a cool list of the people who were entertainers and served in the military. I didn’t know most of those. I was neat to see how they served!
I’m SO glad you enjoyed it! I thought it was just awesome… and I could have added about 30 more easily! Amazing isn’t it?
Very interesting post. I enjoyed reading these facts. I like my kids to try and see the heroes around them in their everyday lives. My dad is Marine, who fought in Vietnam. The children of our friends that are out running to raise money for cancer. Heroes are everywhere and do different things.
Well said! I believe everyone is capable of being a hero and everyone should absolutely strive to be one for someone else. Wouldn’t that make for a lovely world? Thank you to your father for his service!
JImmy Stewart is still a fav of mine and I knew this about him and some others. Seeing that large list, makes you so appreciative and love this country even more.
Doesn’t it? I could have doubled this list easily… pretty much every cowboy actor…most comedians… the list is quite staggering in a beautiful great way!
Our heroes now are very different. Thank you for reminding us about what’s important!
Thank you Michele for reading! I hope you are able to use this information in conversations
What an interesting concept. It really made me think, thanks for sharing it!
Excellent! I’m very happy to hear that. Thank you for taking the time to read! I hope you are able to share in conversations with others.