Family Vacation to Florida’s Historic Coast from the couch and then in real life! Let the kids Discover and Experience Florida’s Historic Coast from home! A unique family vacation…
Florida is a state that comes to mind when we say ‘family vacation’. But when we talk about American History and travel, Florida is not the state that immediately springs to mind.
Florida has a historic coast that is actually older than the country of the United States.
Here are nine ways to Discover and Experience Florida’s Historic Coast from home! Yup some of the OLDEST places in America explored with the NEWEST of technology!
We recommend two parts to this family vacation to Florida. Part One, experience the coast virtually and let the whole family plan the vacation!
That will make part two, when you actually go that much more special and the whole family will be engaged!
St. Augustine and Ponte Vedra Beach
St. Augustine and Ponte Vedra Beach Florida are great places to learn about US history AND nature.
Like other Visitor Bureaus, Florida’s Historic Coast is committed to providing travelers with accurate and timely information about traveling to the area safely. In this time of personal isolation, they are encouraging potential visitors to visit virtually.
Our twist? Let the kids do the planning for a future family vacation!!!!
Let them play cruise director and do the research here… THEN take YOU on the virtual trip!
Either way you get a family vacation (of sorts) to the Florida Historic Coast and a memory gets made.
Costumes encouraged.
We have come up with 9 ways for school-age kids to learn from home about St. Augustine’s fascinating history, wildlife habitats, and activities to plan for a future visit to learn even more. Ready to Discover and Experience Florida’s Historic Coast? LET’S DO IT!!!
Visit Virtual Orlando Florida
Oh and here’s a handy little page to print out for easy vacation planning!

New School meets Old School
Using up to date technology, the whole family can get educated on the history of the oldest schoolhouse in the United States.
I know I know, who wants to go to school on vacation? But this is historic and you aren’t ACTUALLY going to school so….
The Oldest Wooden School House Historic Museum & Gardens was established in the late 1700’s as a school for local Minorcan and Greek Children. It symbolizes the settlement of St. Augustine from town to city based on the foundation of the strength and determination of colonists to create a community shaped by their traditions, customs, culture and faith.
Visit the website for a lesson on St. Augustine’s Cultural history then plan your summertime old school visit in St. Augustine, Florida.

Get Under the Sea
Sing with me now…. sha la la la la my oh my…
What’s a family vacation without a trip to an aquarium? The St. Augustine Aquarium offers grade-appropriate curriculum about creatures in the sea for Kindergarten through seventh grade. While the Aquarium is currently closed to the public, you can still visit the website and click on the Educational Field Trip tab to download worksheets and plan for a future visit to learn more.
Research Reptilians
Florida and alligators… like peas and carrots…
The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Research Blog has research by field biologists, television shows, and their own observant keepers, the understanding of the many fascinating species at The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park continues to grow. They cover many topics from Crocodilian tooth replacement and comparisons of today’s Crocodilian with dinosaurs to Crocodile parenting and to what Crocodiles eat.
Crocodile Tooth replacement???? Yes, that sounds like the PERFECT Homeschool activity to me. Virtual…very very virtual please.
Park It!
Learn a little more about Florida State Parks from their learning blog where virtual visitors can explore online the important natural and historic culture of our state.
The blog has several stories about historic and natural facts about Florida.
American History….way more my speed for a family vacation than alligators. For instance, did you know that Florida had the first Underground railroad for runaway slaves? Learn more about State Parks Preserve African-American History, Untold Stories

Tour President Lincoln’s Legacy
Believe It or Not
I don’t know about you but we always have an element of ridiculous in our family vacation. How about a trip to Ripley’s Believe It or Not Flordia!
St. Augustine features an incredible collection of over 800 UNIQUE, BIZARRE and INCREDIBLE artifacts. The Ripley Entertainment company is founded on the principle that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated as such. Ripley’s online “Odd is In” educational package helps children come to accept and celebrate all people from all walks of life. Pretty cool right?
Ripley’s also offers curriculum for elementary, middle and high school age children. Visit and select the Field Trips tab. A whole menu of learning choices are available.
Thinking the kiddos can put together their own version of the Family Believe It or Not in the Living Room to accompany this virtual vacation stop.
Discover the Fountain of Youth
The nicest thing a family can do for a mother. Seriously, this is a great stop on a family vacation.
Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth Park is a place where legend meets history. When the park is open, there are several ways visitors can experience the history of First America. Future visitors can learn to explore that history on The Fountain of Youth website through an historic timeline on their website. Explore information about the native Timucuan Indians that were here 5,000 years ago, the discovery of La Florida by Ponce de Leon, the founding of the City of St. Augustine, and today’s archeological research into the history of Europeans in Florida.

Virtually Travel Through American History
Florida boasts a very interesting biology reserve. Guana Tolamato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTM Reserve) is a 74,000 acre coastal preserve in St. Augustine and Ponte Vedra Beach that offers programming for all ages on the importance of the estuary. The whole family can learn more about the GTM Reserve’s estuary from the comfort of your own home with student programs, 360 video tours and planning tools for a future visit to explore the estuaries.
Science isn’t always on the front of your mind when you plan a family vacation but who doesn’t like exploring a beautiful place full of wildlife?
Make Your Own Color Changing Bath Bombs
The Castillo
Yes, America has a castle. Sort of…
Take the family to visit the Castillo de San Marcos website to learn about our nation’s oldest masonry fortification. The Castillo was built between 1671 and 1692 to protect the Spanish City of St. Augustine from raiding pirates and other European cultures encroaching on Spanish Florida.
Visit the National Parks website to learn about the history and culture of 16th and 17th century Spanish Florida. Topics covered include the Architecture of the fort, arms and armaments, the cultural history of St. Augustine and more.
If the hands on version of this vacation doesn’t include building an epic living room fort and a pirate costume than we are no longer friends. And yes, I totally want photos to be sent!

Play with the Dolphins
You can keep your pirate outfit on for this one as well.
As an accredited member of the Alliance of Marine Mammals Parks and Aquariums (AMMPA), Marineland Dolphin Adventure is dedicated to the well-being of dolphins and other marine mammals in human care and in the wild. Marineland is widely and rightly recognized by the public and by governments worldwide for their important and long-standing contributions to marine education, to the protection of ocean wildlife and habitats, research important to the health of animals—both in our collections and in the wild—and to the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and stranded marine mammals, sea turtles and other animals.
Visit to download fact sheets to learn about the different species of marine life at the park (Logger Head and Kemp Ridley’s Sea Turtles, Moray Eels, Bottlenose dolphins and more), then plan to take the Behind the Seas tour or interact with the dolphins this summer.
Final Notes
Virtual Education or travel doesn’t have to be boring. Neither does a family vacation from home. SO many ways to keep it alive and entertaining. The only limitations are your creativity. Keep it lively and it’s OK to be a little silly. Who’s judging?
So do some research, make it a game, turn the kids into tour guides. Wear costumes. Have snacks. (Snacks make everything better). Learn a little something and have a whole lot of fun!
Did you enjoy taking a virtual family vacation to Florida and its historic coast? Fabulous.
This Family Blog has an entire series on DISCOVER AMERICA with several virtual tours like this either up or on their way so check back often or sign up for our email so you’ll be the first to know as they go up.
We discover and rediscover America through family vacations and unique experiences.
How will you use virtual travel to take the family on a vacation to Florida and the historic coast? Tell us below!
So thorough! Thank you for all the information.
This looks like a really great place to spend some time. Lots of great activities.
I think a Family Vacation to Florida’s Historic Coast has so much to offer in person and virtually….
We love FL and even though we visit so many times per year and I have lived there, I am shocked at how many places we haven’t been to. I am anxious to get back!
Isn’t it funny how that happens? I’ve taken many a Family Vacation to Florida but never been to the Historic Coast. Looking forward to it this year!
We are frequent visitors to Florida and we love learning about the history of the many places we visit. When people think of Florida, they think of all the theme parks and attractions, but there is SO MUCH history is Florida! Thank you for sharing!
Agreed! We’ve taken many a family vacation to Florida but somehow missed the historic coast. I aim to change that this year.
How cool! This makes it more exciting to see in person as well!
Family Vacation is always best in person but I thought a virtual trip to Florida and the historic coast was good for now… and then hopefully in person vacation soon!
It’s so nice to know you can visit all these places from the comfort of your home! How cool. It will help stave off boredom.
Family vacation can come in many forms. We need to be a little creative these days. Florida has so much to offer. The History along the Historic Coast is just unparalleled. Great place to explore!
What a clever way to take a virtual trip and make it educational too.
Why thank you! With no where to go currently on family vacation we have to be a little creative. History is everywhere and the historic coast has so much to offer.
This is so interesting! Sounds like I still have a lot to learn about Florida!
Florida and the historic coast has so much to offer for a family vacation. I hope you get to explore!
There is so much to see in Florida. I feel like I have so much more to visit. Thanks for sharing !
Excellent! Florida has so much to offer in a family vacation. The historic coast is unparalleled
The castle looks so cool!
I could see you and the family taking a great vacation to Florida.
Florida is a huge state, much more convenient to cover virtually
Florida is a great place for a family vacation. I think when it comes to a place like the historic coast its great to visit virtually first to better plan what you want to experience in person.
It looks interesting visiting the historic coast in Florida
Great place for a family vacation, right?
We have enjoyed our visits to Florida. I would like to swim with dolphins next time.
Oh I love swimming with dolphins! Florida has so much to offer in a family vacation. The historic Coast is very unique and worth the visit.
I love your idea of creating a virtual trip. I may pull some of these out to use with my kids for school next week. I would also like to visit several of them in person as well. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent! It is my hope kids use this to plan a family vacation. And I’m ALL about history….the historic coast has some great places to visit in person and virtually. I’d like to to a pirate tour myself…
Great stuff! I love St. Augustine! This is our go-to after Disney relaxation place. It never gets old, and we love checking out the attractions and hanging out on Vilano Beach.
I’m glad you enjoyed our virtual trip to the historic coast of Florida! It’s a great family vacation (or two) waiting to happen.
I’m all about history so would love to explore the historic coast of Florida. I’ve been to St Augustine but was only overnight.
I know you are!!! I want to visit the historic coast of Florida too! Maybe we can meet up there? Family and friend vacation?
I love your photos and they make me want to plan a visit to St. Augustine, my favorite part of Florida, as soon as I can. Thank you!
I’m so glad! A family vacation to the historic coast of Florida seems rather epic! I can’t wait to go!
This is awesome! We lived near St. Augustine for a couple of years. I wished we would have explored it more.
Sounds like a family vacation to Florida is in order….
My boys would love to visit The Castillo.Virtual education has been a staple for us during this time.
I’m glad you are able to take a virtual family vacation to Florida and the historic coast!
What a great variety of subjects all in Florida! You’ve inspired me to find similar opportunities in my city.
Fantastic! Family vacation can be anywhere…so is history…
Great “visit”! We actually stopped in St. Augustine on our way to Daytona last Spring Break and enjoyed it so much we had planned an overnight this year. That obviously didn’t happen, but maybe next year!
Yes! Plan a family vacation there! I’m sure you’d love the historic coast. Florida is pretty great in general
These are great places to explore in person and online. My younger daughter loves the dolphins and making bath bombs is her favorite.
Glad you enjoyed our little virtual family vacation to the historic coast of florida! Bath bombs are super fun to make! I hope she likes our recipe
This is great and much needed during this time. THank you!
Thanks for coming along on our little family vacation to Florida and her historic coast!