What’s a family vacation to Historic Washington look like? Isn’t the Evergreen state just apples, mountains and the Space Needle? Surprise! Washington is FULL of history and historic places to visit. So many colorful stories that span the varied geography of the state. And a lot of family (and dog) friendly places to vacation too!
Hey! Did you know Washington is the only state in the union named for a President?
There are such a variety of ways to take a family vacation in historic Washington. All you have to do is choose your theme…. or just pick and choose from the wide variety of destinations and vacation experiences below.
Washington Natural History

Washington has some truly unique natural history and for the outdoor types to explore (as in… outdoorsy folks will never get bored). The Evergreen State offers such variety for this type of historic family vacation. Where else can you visit a rainforest, a desert, a glacier, mountains, and an ocean coastline all in the same state? It really seems like Washington has it all! Including hoo doos! (my favorite)
You don’t have to climb a mountain to visit and appreciate the grandeur of Mt Rainier or some of these other incredible peaks. Families have been taking a vacation there as long as they’ve known about it. Plenty of hikes, picnic sites, and other low key vacation activities for the whole family to enjoy. Each major mountain and range has its own unique history and there are interpretive centers focused on these stories.
Here are some unique locations to plan your Vacation (family or otherwise) to enjoy some of Washington’s Natural History.
Mt Rainier
Columbia Plateau
Mt St Helens
Olympic National Park
Cascade National Park
Puget Sound
Columbia River
Mount Adams
Strait of Juan de Fuca
San Juan Islands
Mount Baker
Snake River
Columbia Gorge
You can take your family skiing, snowboarding, berry picking, hiking, sail boarding, scuba diving, rock climbing, biking, walking and more. If your idea of vacation is outdoor adventuring with a little historic flair, Washington is your place! It’s no wonder REI got its start here. Oh yes, I remember going there when I was very very young with my own family. It was a true co op. Little did I know that place would make history in its own right….
More resources for a family vacation to Natural Historic Washington:
Washington Pre European Contact

If your idea of a historic family vacation is more along the lines of experiencing historic cultures, Washington has you covered there too.
Washington state has a Native American history that includes 125 tribes before European contact. Seattle is named after Chief Sealth of the Duwamish/Suquamish people. During your vacation, if you get the opportunity to travel to the reservation where he is buried, I encourage you to pay respects. Sealth has a rather incredible legacy (and a very well known historic speech) that continues to inspire environmentalists today. Sealth believed in family, community and the power of those along with that of the land. Near his gravesite there are several historic markers pertaining to his legacy worth stopping by to see.
Native history of Washington is preserved in names of towns, rivers, streets, and more. There are lots of opportunities throughout the state for a family to take a unique vacation and experience historic Native cultures of the Pacific Northwest and learn their history in appropriate and respectful ways. (Remember your ‘vacation’ experience is some elses real life)
TIP: Be advised that many of these locations are a bit remote so planning is key. For example, to get to the Olympic Peninsula you’ll want to take the ferry (also historic and SUPER fun for a kid) All of that takes time so not only plan time wise but for things to do for the family in the car is smart as well.
How to Adventure in the Car
Suquamish Museum
Hibulb Cultural Center
Lelooska Foundation and Museum
Historic Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center
Omak Stampede and Pow wow
Historic Tillicum Village
Yakima Nation Museum and Cultural Center
Makah Museum
Lots of pow wows and other cultural gatherings happen throughout the state and throughout the year. One family favorite is the historic Sea Fair. Not to be missed! Full of all kinds of historic traditions Native and not, with the Blue Angels, the Pow wow, the canoe landing, the naked guys on bicycles…(oh yeah, it’s a real thing)
More resources for a family vacation to discover Historic Native American Washington:
Discover Native America
Colonial Era Washington State

OK so this is a weird topic for family vacation. I realize this. Bear with me. It goes hand in hand with natural historic features, just some different stories.
The first European that landed on the Washington Coast was Captain Don Bruna de Heceta of Spain. The year was 1774 and he landed on the Olympic Peninsula. British Captain James Cook quickly followed in 1778. And then there was a flurry of activity between Spain, Britain, and Russia. Colonial Washington state was but a blip on the timeline of Historic America but it was there.
Because Washington is so diverse topographically, it almost has its own history for each area. The places noted below had significant recorded historic events recorded there that were integral to the foundation of building Washington as a state. A family vacation to discover these stories in history would have to include these great places.
Quinault River
Cape Flattery
Tacoma Narrows
Puget Sound
Grays Harbor (Grays Harbor Historical Seaport)
Ilwaco Heritage Museum
More resources for a family vacation to discover Early Historic Washington:
1800’s Historic Washington

As quiet as the 1700’s were in Washington (historically speaking), the 1800’s were anything BUT quiet! History got very colorful very quickly with all kinds of big personalities. Beginning with the Lewis and Clark expedition and famed explorer David Thompson… White women (I realize that sounds odd and startling but to this point in Washington history it was really a man’s world, full of miners, sailors, and loggers) began moving to the territory, missionaries came, and Washington exploded with population, industry, and conflict.
As lumber and mining towns boomed, liquor, gambling, and red light district activities popped up and then someone found gold up north. BAM! Instant hub of well, everything, as Seattle and Tacoma became major ports and crossroads securing their spot in historic annals.
This period of historic Washington isn’t for the faint of heart. It was filthy and no place for a family, let alone vacation. None the less history was made and as a result, there is a ton of it to explore now.
Lewis and Clark’s historic journey through Washington State
Washington State History Museum
Pioneer Square, Seattle
Bainbridge Island Historic Museum
Port Washington WI 1806 Light Station
Whale Museum at Friday Harbor
Historic Port Townsend, Victorian paradise
More resources for planning a family vacation to uncover Historic 1800’s Washington:
Historic Seattle

Seattle isn’t the capital of Washington but it’s the most known city of the state and for good reason. A ton of history, it’s been the center of Washington industry since industry began in the state and it shows no signs of slowing down.
There are a few quirky historic bits that are super fun to mix in a family vacation or to build a vacation around entirely. If more modern history is your thing, you can include Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing and other tech giants as fun stops on the family vacation. I’m pretty sure someone in the family will think it’s pretty cool to see where video games are created. ๐ They may not feel historic since they are household names but they are.
Here are some delightful historic surprises Washington holds.
Bruce Lee Grave and Jimi Hendrix graves
Fremont troll under the bridge
Historic Fisherman’s Terminal
Historic Gasworks Park
Haunted Soda Pop Machine
Movie Tours of Seattle
Pioneer Square
More resources for a family vacation to Historic Seattle Washington:
Eastern Washington

While all that boom town business was going on in the west, Eastern Washington began thriving with agriculture, lumber, and mining. A little more family friendly and a little more what you’d expect, wheat fields and apple orchards sprang up everywhere. All these towns have their own historic festivals and family friendly fun to explore and most even maintain their own historic district. Great stops for a more laid back family vacation.
The town of Leavenworth even voted as the town to embrace their Bavarian history and go all in. The result was in the middle of the twentieth century they revamped the downtown and sealed their spot as a premier historic vacation destination. A vacation here is a lot like being in a snowglobe and I’m not gonna lie…it’s pretty great! We’ve taken many a family vacation there and every time it’s magical. Point being Eastern Washington is often unexpected and full of interesting choices for vacation.
Petrified Forest
Columbia Gorge
Leavenworth and The Great Nog of Fire
Historic Roslyn (Northern Exposure anyone?)
Historic District of Spokane
1900’s Historic Washington

When most people think of vacation in Washington, they think specifically of vacation in Seattle, and even more specifically, vacation stop at the Pike place Market where fish are thrown and coffee is made.
In the early 1900’s the famous Pike Place Market opened, and really Seattle as we know it today formed. Tacoma as well. Honestly, a great deal of what was built in the 1800’s is no longer in Washington state as industry changed and climate (and occasional giant fire) took care of many a historic wood structure.
But the last century or so has given plenty of historic places to explore on a family vacation. Many of the brick buildings of the turn of the century survive and even though they are not SUPER old, they are still historic and lots of family friendly options to explore on your vacation.
The Bavarian Town of Leavenworth
Amazon Tour
Boeing Tour
Museum of Pop Culture
Space Needle
Ballard Locks
Olympic Game Farm
Women In Washington
Remember earlier in the article when I awkwardly mentioned the arrival of ‘white women’? This was because when the women arrived, the overall culture began to change, both in the building of families and in the building of one of the most prolific red light districts in history. If you like a little ‘seedy’ mixed into your vacation, read on….
The women of Washington is a fascinating history its own right that includes indigenous women, multi cultural women brought in for work, women who came as mail order brides, and women who came by choice.
Women have always been a force in Washington since they began to arrive in the 1800’s. There was the Women’s Club movement and of course the Oldest Profession (which was the main profession for women in early Seattle) gave way to the Second oldest Profession (motherhood) and mothers united to fund and build a school district.
There is so much history on this particular topic, one could take an entire feminist tour as a vacation.
Female madams, drug pushers, and the first serial killer (who basically starved wealthy people and stole all their wealth in the name of alternative medicine) It wasn’t all dark though…
In 1920 Seattle boasted the first female mayor in a major city in the US. Yup! Women have been making history and are a formidable part of historic Washington state from the beginning. Here’s a couple places to hit on your vacation to discover a few more of these stories.
Seattle’s Historic Pioneer Square
Women’s Historic Walking Tour in Olympia Washington
Mildred Bailey’s life in Spokane
A few resources to plan a historic female centered vacation in Washington:
Washington State: still making history
Washington is the number one state for apple production! It’s also number one for pears, red raspberries, sweet cherries and has been for years. MMMMMMMMMM (perhaps a vacation to tour all the yum?)
It’s still home to wild horses, has the longest floating bridge in the world and… it is home to the largest and most known coffee chain in the world, Starbucks!! How’s that for historic?
Major industries including Microsoft, Amazon, Nordstrom, Boeing, Costco, and Starbucks define the region today and Washington will likely stay on the cutting edge of history for a long time to come. AND, almost all these places have family friendly tours so you can experience the history and groundbreaking first hand on your next vacation!
Parting Thoughts
Sure a great vacation to Seattle includes the Space Needle, the Pike Place Market, and a ferry ride but there is oh so much more to explore. Seattle alone has historic venues both above and below ground that house all kinds of stories and secrets to explore.
Mountain ranges, quirky towns, and agricultural communities give such a wide variety for just about any type of vacation you could want.
We’ve taken everything from a beach vacation to a skiing vacation… explored old buildings in the rain and attended many a cultural celebration. Washington is one of those unique places that could take a lifetime to explore and fully experience.
We hope we’ve given you some interesting places to think about and things to do you might not have otherwise plugged into your vacation. Happy planning!
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Save this article as we intend to add more valuable information and links as time goes on. Everything you will need to plan a family vacation to the Evergreen state and make it historic!
Join This Family and make all your family vacations historic
Oh yeah! We are your definitive guide for historic sights to see and epic things to do all over the US on your family vacation. Discover historic America with us!
I love American history and would love to take a historic family vacation to Washington state. So much history and many historic destinations to explore! Take a family vacation to discover Historic geology dating back to the dinosaurs, family vacation to explore historic buildings, historic towns, family vacation to experience historic cultures, historic agriculture, historic people, historic wineries, historic logging, even a historic red light district to rival New Orleans and historic coastlines … So much history and so many ways to build a family vacation.
We’ve traveled to Oregon as a couple and my husband has been to Washington, but I have never been to that state myself. I do have a desire to reach all 50 states within my lifetime, so I guess I have to start making plans some time soon.
That’s a good goal! I’ve been to most and lived in about 13 so if I can be of service to help plan a family vacation to historic Washington and more, let me know!!
Washington is on my must see list!
Awesome! Well I have several historic adventures (for family vacation) just waiting to be posted up for you to check out! Stay tuned!
I LOVE Washington! I was just there in October. So beautiful!
OHHH October is a GREAT time of year to go for a family vacation! Until the rains come…LOL But if they do, the historic underground is a great choice! or the historic town of Leavenworth which is on the other side of the mountains so far less rain.
I didnโt realize my cherries were probably coming from Washington! I eat them so much when in season that Iโll probably be a cherry in my next life! Lol
hahahaha I love it! yes! I LOVE the Rainier cherries! Oh they are so good! I could build a whole vacation around the historic Rainier cherries… in fact, now maybe I need to. Now to bring the family or not??
I need to spend some more time in Washington someday. Visited as a kid, but haven’t been back since and Tom has never been.
Washington state has changed a lot over the years but so has everything else. I like to take different kinds of historic adventures…not the cliche ones. Stay tuned, I have some fun family vacation stories coming up…Ways for you to make your own family history!!
I’ve always wanted to visit Washington–there’s so much to see and do there.
SO much! But oddly a lot isn’t publicized. I think everyone knows about the Pike and the Space Needle but there are so many other unique and uniquely Washington places to visit…i have a few of these stories lined up…
Update: Several historic cities and towns are up and I’ll continue to write more family vacation ideas in Washington history
It’s been way to long since I’ve been to Washington. Time to plan a trip!
Yay! Glad you are inspired to take a family vacation to Washington state! make it historic!
Washington is a really pretty state! I’d love to go back for another visit one day.
Washington state is pretty epic for a family vacation. So many ways to make it historic with culture, nature, and other ways ‘outside’ the norm.
I love Washington. I’ve only been there once but I’m going again this summer.
OH fun!!! Summer is a perfect time to visit Washington. Tons of culture and history in festivals and get togethers. You can build your entire vacation around pow wows and Safari and other amazing historic events.
Ooooh! I really, really want to visit Washington…hopefully next summer! I have never been, and always wanted to go! It looks and sounds like a beautiful place! ๐
Late summer is the best time to visit western Washington! Loads to see and do in history and culture and general family vacation fun! I recommend spring for visiting Eastern Washington and the mountains? Well, they are full of family fun and their own history year round. ๐
Made it to Spokan for an afternoon before returning home. Would like to visit Seattle, sounds like a lot to do there.
Spokane has some great things too! Eastern Washington is markedly different than western Washington. Both have a lot to offer in the way of history and fun family vacation. I find in Eastern there are a number of surprising historical sites… oooo did you know Bing Crosby is from Spokane? His house and church are still there. That’s some historic fun!
Iโve been to Seattle and loved that. Iโd love to explore other areas also.
Cool!! I’ll be posting up some more fun historic and family vacation stories for around that area for you to check out.
Update: I’ve posted several articles on historic vacation ideas. Have you been able to read them? Let me know if there is some place or historic monument you want to know about and I’ll make sure to get it up.
We took just a short trip to Washington but from the looks of your post, we will have to return!
YES! Did you read the one about THE GREAT NOG OF FIRE? https://thisfamilyblog.com/the-great-nog-of-fire/ We have several posts up on various historical trips in Washington state your family will enjoy! A lot to history to discover!!!
I know my girls would want to visit, just to see the first Starbucks!!
OOOOOOHHHHH SNAP! MY PEOPLE!!!!! Yes I have a whole post coming about that history and experience and nector of the gods…otherwise known as coffee. Coffee history is super fun! YES I approve of a family vacation centered around coffee. Very good taste!
My daughter lived in Seattle for a couple years and sadly, I was never able to make a visit out there. It looks like I missed a really cool state!
It is a magical place. I’ve spent so much time there but it seems there is always some gem to discover… (get it …gem… historical mining of Washington state) Oh I crack myself up…. oh dear, maybe I need a vacation. ๐
I love your take on Washington and what it has to offer. I am definitely ready!
SWEET! I hope you explore some of the other great posts we have on different places of historical significance in Washington. SO many ways to take a family vacation and explore some history.
I haven’t made it to Washington yet, but it’s on my list! Your posts do make it sound amazing.
Oh I hope you read all the articles we have on family vacations in Historic Washington. There are several. Did you read THE GREAT NOG OF FIRE? Not to be missed… https://thisfamilyblog.com/the-great-nog-of-fire/ Loads of fun ways to take a family vacation and discover history in Washington state
We loved visiting Washington! Olympic National Park was so amazing. We loved the diversity, and the beaches were so unique!
Isn’t Washington incredible??? I actually traversed the entire peninsula once in a recreation of The historic Press Expedition…. exhausting but I learned SOOOO much! hmmm… maybe that needs to be a blog post… Well now you have me thinking about a historic story and a family vacation….
I’m just on the other side of the border in BC. Love the Pacific NW and have been to Bellingham many times. All felt very familiar!
ooooohhhhhh snap! My stomping grounds! SOOOOO familiar with that area of Washington state. Lots of historic buildings in B’ham. I also lived for a short time in White Rock/Surrey and took many a vacation up there. I miss it terribly ๐
This is awesome, I have told my husband for years I was going to move to Washington state. But alas he won’t budge, I am going to visit it soon! Thanks for sharing!
hahaha well, take a family vacation there first! Like any place there are pros and cons… I do have a lot of pretty great memories throughout Washington though ๐ And there is some really interesting history/historical sites to visit!