If you think women heroes of the American Revolution served tea and waved goodbye to their brave fighting men and got kudos for it, think again! I’m talking espionage, sabotage, defiance, and other girly things!!!
A More Complete Picture of the American Revolution
Seeing as this blog is all about epic adventures and stories involving American family, I thought it would be fun and interesting to share some of the epic and amazing stories from our beginnings that make our country well, epic and amazing.
Also I come from a long line of very strong women so I feel like this is a necessary article.
This is not an angry feminist argument. This is merely a truthful account of the fact it took more then male soldiers to create a nation. Like most things in life, it takes a village, and in this case, it took many. There are so many awesome Men and Women Heroes of the American Revolution! The women simply aren’t as well known.
The American Revolution wasn’t just about Men
When we think of the American Revolution we think of things like the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s famous ride, and that painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River. Let’s face it, at that time, it was a man’s world and so it makes sense these guys got a lot of publicity. (Also these were key events so lets not discount that either) What is fascinating though is to delve into the stories of their counterparts, the women. You see, the American Revolution engulfed everyone, man, woman and child. It was truly a group effort to win our independence and EVERYONE has a story worth telling.
Amazing Women
In the American Revolution, women served as spies, nurses, fundraisers, couriers, water carriers, rescuers, and even soldiers! They are no less important then then Paul Revere’s ride or the Tea Party because they all served as pieces of the whole that contributed to our nation’s independence.
Some of them did quite extraordinary things but most were ‘ordinary’ and became extraordinary in just being who they were and standing firm in their beliefs of this nation being independent.
How inspiring!
I’m going to say that again because sometimes in this modern age it feels like we the people (especially us women) try so hard to be people and things we simply are not (Thank you every tabloid and magazine and beauty product and pop music and film and….) and this simplicity is awe inspiring. So read that again… ‘Some of them did quite extraordinary things but most were ‘ordinary’ and became extraordinary in just being who they were and standing firm in that.’
They were FIERCE!
And not like on the runway, strike a pose, a million Instagram followers kind of fierce. They protected and nurtured this infant nation the way a mother protects and nurtures here infant child. (And in some cases literally stood their ground to protect children)

Sybil Ludington and Deborah Sampson
There was sixteen year old Sybil Ludington who rode her horse twice as far as Paul Revere, and in the rain to muster troops to help her father. There was Deborah Sampson who bound her chest, dressed as a man, enlisted and fought for three years!
More Examples
Patience Wright – Spy
Lydia Darragh -Undercover Patriot
Prudence Cummings – Minute ‘woman’
Lucy Flicker Knox- Nurse maid to wounded soldiers
Catherine Moore Barry- Scout
Nancy Hart – General Bad Ass
Esther Berdt Reed – Fundraiser
‘I desire that you would remember the ladies.” Abigail Adams March 31, 1776
The bottom line here is we as Americans come from strong women who were courageous and fierce.
It didn’t depend on ethnicity, age or economic level. They all participated in the revolution (on one side or the other) for eight years, standing firmly and elegantly in their beliefs, until we won our independence.

Feminine Inspiration
I highly recommend every woman who needs a pick me up and needs validation for being a woman look into our past. There are many ways to be strong and these stories of our ladies show so many different styles and actions.
You can’t help but hold your head a wee bit higher after knowing these stories. We should all know a bit more about how our country came to be and the founding folks who made it so.
Thoughts on Women Heroes of the American Revolution the book
The stories in this book are bite sized and will arouse a sense of patriotism in you. (And hey, couldn’t we all use a little more love aimed at our country right now in this time of turmoil?) I highly recommend this book for teenage girls and parents of girls of all ages. Whereas this book is not meant as a children’s book, I believe children are never too young to start hearing about role models. I personally believe in heroes, not superheroes with capes and not the ones with the most likes or followers.
My youngest enjoyed my renditions of the stories I was reading. She particularly liked the story of Sybil Ludington. My oldest giggled through my retelling because, and I quote, hearing my stories is like watching an episode of Drunk History. Apparently I’m animated and hilarious. Maybe I’ll do a retelling and you can be the judge…
Get Inspired Right Now
You can order Women Heroes of the American Revolution right now on Amazon. It comes in Kindle as well. I read this one on Kindle. (and then bought the hard copy for my collection)
The Next Generation
The generation after the American Revolution had the task of defining the nation. My favorite She-Roe of that era is Sarah Joseph Hale. She was a huge proponent for education for women and whereas she has been labeled a feminist, she refused to join the suffragettes. Sarah felt strongly that both genders are gifted in different ways and didn’t feel women needed to delve into the male sphere. She advocated for children and for women and did many things like securing playgrounds, creating national monuments, and is largely responsible for my making favorite holiday a national occurrence.
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What an interesting book review. I learned a lot reading this. Thanks for the great information!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I will be posting another fun book review shortly.
History is so much more interesting to me now than it was when I was younger and required to learn it. This book looks very captivating. I absolutely love reading about people who did amazing things!
Isn’t it? VERY interesting and especially when you start realizing it wasn’t that long ago and your family ties to it. ๐
Stories like this are so encouraging!! While I don’t have daughters, I would hope that my boys would read stories like this and gain a true understanding of the strength women have and role they truly do play.
Great review. I love history and it sounds like a very good read. We use to have a huge picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware in our home while I was growing up in NJ – it brought back memories when I read that in your opening paragraph! Thanks for sharing!
women are truly amazing and this is another reminder that it’s always been the case! Sounds like a fascinating read, and will put on my list, especially for my granddaughters. Thank you for sharing ๐
It’s true! It’s always been the case. It’s always been a team effort of men and women. I hope you like it! If you order through one of my links, I’d be obliged. Thank you!!!
Yes! I love reading about the awesome things women did in history! So many amazing stories!
I’m absolutely fascinated! It seems to me women have always been a vital force in history. It’s interesting in modern times we have forgotten that and the shock when people ‘discover’ it LOL
This sounds AWESOME! Definitely putting on my list.
AWESOME! If you order through one of my links, I would be obliged. ๐
What a great find! So glad you are giving your daughters life lessons about strong women!
You know, I’ve really shifted these last few years to make a point to include this in their daily lives. I see a positive difference in how they conduct themselves in the world…
Oh My Goodness! What an amazing adventure! What a wonderful resource of stories rarely told.
Sounds like a fascinating book! I love true stories. They are so inspiring.
It is a great read! Me too!!!! Better then the film formula LOL
Adding this to my to read list. Thanks for the great review.
Excellent! If you decide to purchase, I would love it if you would consider doing so through one of my links. Also, would love to hear what you think after you read… I am oh so inspired!
I love stories about history. Thanks for sharing this book.
Glad you enjoyed! Me TOOOOOO!
I will surely check this one out! Thank you for sharing this!
Great! If you decide to order, I would love it if you would consider doing so through one of my links.
I love stories about the American Revolution! Definitely checking this one out.
SWEET! I’m currently a little obsessed with the Amer Rev…(If you read my other blog posts you’ll see it) If you would consider signing up for my newsletter, I tend to post once a month on that very subject ๐
I canโt believe I hadnโt thought to read this before. I love it! Back in Williamsburg they tell a few stories of what the women did and I loved hearing of it. I also struggled with would I have dared do some of the things they did. I would like to think I was strong enough but how scary! It really made me appreciate what people sacrificed for our country.
Yeah, it was startling to me I hadn’t read it before either LOL It is truly amazing what are forefathers and foremothers went through. It makes me never want to complain about traffic because that is the lamest thing ever. I mean, I’m still going to complain..LOL
How cool!! I will have to check this out. I love American history and female heroes.
Excellent! ME TOO!!!! If you would consider purchasing through one of my links, I’d be much appreciative.
What a great thing to show our daughters too! Love this!
Thank you!!!!!