A tale of Old West Days and ChuckWagon Supper as This Family visits Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho Oak Glen, California.
A Cowboy Supper with Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho
You have GOT to go to a ChuckWagon Supper with Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho! Stepping back in time to experience life in the American West has never been more fun (and clean) then playing in Old West Days at Rileys at Los Rios Rancho. It’s the oldest running dinner event for the Riley Family and it is SOOOO much more then supper!
Like what? Several frontier encampments full of living historians that are full of stories (and artifacts) of the 1800’s in America. And Farley (recently retired from Frontier Land at Disneyland) is a staple for cowboy music and stories a plenty!
Victorian Tea
Prior to Chuckwagon Supper we partook (is that a word?) in 1800’s style tea. Victorian tea service is something everyone should experience once. It’s a great way to teach manners and a lovely way to relax. I’d like to say we were the epitome of Victorian class but it is us after all.

What you CAN say is no one enjoys it as much as we do. We had two types of tea. My favorite was the Chamomile Lavender. Very refreshing on a summer day.
Lavender Cham Josh and I being cute
Hayride History Tour
You know what is a fantabulous way to spend an August afternoon? On a peaceful wagon ride through historical apple orchards! Throw in a great guide who tells stories and history and well, we were in our happy place!
The story of Los Rios Rancho is an interesting one. The land is actually leased from a Conservancy which is why there are beautiful wildflower gardens, hiking trails and ponds right next door.
I could tell you more about this 100 year old heritage but I don’t want to take away from hearing their story in person. The guides all work on the premises so have a full knowledge of the workings on everything from apple growing and cider pressing to the historical events they put on.
Chuck Wagon Supper Show
The actual Chuck Wagon Supper Show is a feast for the senses. More than just a meal, it’s a real ‘taste’ of the old west. See what I did there? ‘Taste’ HA! I crack myself up!

Truly, what’s more Frontier then dining family style at long tables at the foot of a mountain, smelling the campfire smoke (and the steaks cooking on it), listening to classic western music being played on guitar, fiddle, and banjo. There was even a ‘Cookie’ to call us to Come and Git It with a triangle! And ‘git it’ we did! Steak, potato, beans, biscuits and apple butter… my tummy is still smiling!!!
As we ate, we were regaled with Cowboy poetry and Riley family singing. In addition there was a pack demonstration by the talented Emma Riley (who Sage now wants to be) and we learned firsthand about an 1800’s tradition of packing mules to head to the back country.
Important Historical Moments of My Marriage at Los Rios Rancho
There are two things that my husband agreed to when we got married (I mean besides the expected vows).
- Whenever there was an opportunity, we would dance. It may seem silly but there is something very special about dancing with the person you choose to share your life with. And there is something even more special when it’s at sunset or under stars. The whole world stops and its just us and the music. Like life, sometimes we’re in sync and sometimes not so much but regardless it’s always a beautiful moment and it’s something we share that transcends all else.
- Whenever the song ‘The Kiss’ from Last of The Mohicans comes on, he is to drop everything, stare at me deeply the way Daniel Day Lewis did in the film and, without saying a word, take my hand and kiss me, JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE!! Because every woman should have that moment at least once in their life and well, he is Mohican so….
Totally reasonable right?
I am happy to say I got my moment in the Victorian Tea tent. But because it’s us it ends up being more hysterical than romantic. We end up laughing as usual, but hey, it’s our moment.
And we danced….to old timey music, played by a really cool family, after a scrumptious meal, in the great outdoors. Sometimes life just makes you smile. 🙂 With all my heart, I wish this moment for every one of you reading this.
Caught cracking up My dance partner…for always
Learn To Rope a Steer
I’m going to let the photos speak for themselves. In short, three of us apparently have natural skills in this arena. One of us managed to rope absolutely nothing, unless you count well, myself…
Josh did the deed Sage was an ‘All Star’ MB did it with flair And then there was me…
Yes, I actually managed to rope myself…twice…
Old West Days and Chuck Wagon Supper with Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho
Old West Days and ChuckWagon Supper with Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho is a quintessential experience we want to highlight on This Family Blog and let you all know about!
It is the perfect blend of family fun and American history in playground where you can immerse yourself in the experience and make excellent memories.
Learning about 1800’s Frontier life Making dip candles
As you already know, in This Family, we enjoy a good throwback when we can step back into a time period in our American history and really experience it.
We feel like it gives us a glimpse into our ancestors’ lives and it helps us appreciate what we have now.
And heck, it gives us an excuse to play in the past, make a few memories and just have some fun! (And wear fun clothes…and eat excellent food…and… and… I digress)
More than a Chuck Wagon Dinner
Ok so clearly I’m a fan!
Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho does an amazing job at giving a little glimpse of the great American West. Every August they put on a family friendly three day festival known as Old West Days and it is a HOOT!
But the REASON I’m such a fan is it’s SO MUCH MORE than just a dinner! There are living history demonstrations, merchant vendors set up in tents, live cowboy music, and there is even an old timey poker tent!

Saturday is our favorite day to go because it has the authentic ChuckWagon Supper! In addition to a steak dinner and dutch oven cooking, there is live entertainment, dancing, cattle roping, tomahawk throwing…. it is AWESOME!
And if you just want to do the Old West days and maybe wait on the dinner, well, here’s the best part!!! Daytime admission is FREE!

Tell Me More
Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho does some pretty awesome events that let you experience old timey traditions and different time periods throughout the year.
Personally, I’d like to go to every single one!
They have the Apple Butter Festival coming up and of course apple picking season is right around the corner.
Apples and Cider and Butter Oh My!
I use their apples to make my own apple butter and I have to say, their pumpkin butter is pretty great too! This year we took my dad and Madison Bella (now that she is 21) to try their hard ciders. One word-YUM!!!
My dad is so cheesy
Sage could drink gallons of the regular apple cider and I cannot argue, next to coffee, it is my favorite drink…and even more special because it’s not something I get year round.

In case I have somehow not convinced you that you need Old West Days and ChuckWagon Supper with Riley’s at Los Rios Rancho in your life, here are 10 Things to do at a Chuck Wagon Dinner!
From this, the Tousey Family to the Riley Family. Thank you very much for graciously hosting us! It was an unforgettable experience and we can’t wait for next year! (and apple season)!!!!

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I would love to attend something like this. I need to see if this is something they do around me, though I have never heard of it before. The food, the games, everything looks like so much fun.
OH GREAT! If you need help, feel free to contact me. I’m happy to help!
This looks like so much fun and something we would love. I especially love the tea!
I liked that there was more than just dinner. However, I would still go if it was just dinner. YUMM!
This looks so fun! And it’s less than 2 hours from my house! I may just have to go check it out one day.
This looks like a lot of fun, and something my hubby and I would totally enjoy.
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like a fantastic experience – good food, good company, fun atmosphere and learn a little something new? Can’t ask for anything more.
We stayed at a dude ranch with a chuckwagon supper that was so fun…this one looks like a great time also! I would love to take that history hayride tour…and love me some apple butter!
I was telling my husband that this type of vacation I’d like to experience as a family. It look like a fun adventure. Love the things like the dance and kiss with your husband too.
Oh, this brought back some wonderful memories of a chuck wagon dinner we had about 15 years ago. It was SO much fun!
This looks like so much FUN! I was actually looking into experiencing something like this, and its closed to me! thank you so much for sharing.
Oh I’m so glad! It is really a great place and they have a lovely array of things to do!
I love how you take the opportunity to dance! And how you can laugh at life. Makes an awesome Chuckwagon dinner even better!
Indeed! The only way to live 🙂
This looks awesome! My kids would fall in love with this place. Roping steers? What?!? So fun!
Right?? Well I sure gave it the old college try! I don’t know what I couldn’t do it…LOL Everyone else seemed to be able to!
The tea sound delicious and so does the apple cider. Def adding this to my bucket list. What a beautiful place.
Huzzah!!! I am so glad you are! You will LOVE the cider!
I love ways to bring history alive! This looks like fun!!!!!!
It’s kind of how we roll… 😉
This looks like so much fun and I love the two things your husband agreed to! What a hoot!
It is!! Yes, it’s silly I know… but I suppose we are a wee bit silly… there are far worse things to be. 🙂
What a fun event! I’ve seen some similar events happening in my area, but I’ve never participated. Looks like I should!
OH I highly recommend!!
What an absolute blast! This would be my family’s vibe as well! This was such a fun post!
So glad you enjoyed! We sure did/do!!!
What an incredible place! I’d absolutely love it!!
It’s special 🙂
Looks like a blast! Esp for young kids! Thanks for sharing!!
OH FOR SURE!! They have the Little Seedlings Ranch which is the most fun a wee one could possibly have! Petting zoo, chalk, leather craft, horses, hay maze.. OK so maybe it’s fun for adults too! LOL
How fun!
This is the kind of place my family loves! I’d be there in a heartbeat. I’d like the Victorian Tea, but my crazy travel companions would be all about roping the steer. Looks fun!
haha something for everyone!
This is so cool. How fun! Wild time.
oh yeah!
Love this !
This looks like a great event! So much fun and entertainment and food! So awesome, I would like to do something like that!
Oh I hope you do!
Being from North Dakota, we do many things like this year round and its so fun!
Isn’t it? Old fashioned fun!
Oh My Goodness!!! What a super cool adventure!!!! My family would love this!! I have always wanted to go to a chuckwagon type adventure.
and you should!
Oh my! This looks like so much fun! Good eatin’ too!
It’s an all around A+
What a fun time!! Chuckled at many of the pics too 🙂 Of course, I would want to be the one driving the wagon…hmmm. If I can do it in Central Park, why not in Oakland?
There is indeed horseback riding to be had there! 🙂
How fun! This looks like a great time. Your pictures are fun. I love the two things your husband promised you, That is awesome. I too love your writing style. You are hysterical!
Aw shucks, Thank you ma’am 😉 Just callin’ it like I see it. 😉
This would be so fun to experience, and confirm that there is no way I would survive as a cowboy!
Oh but SUCH a fun way to confirm it! And then you can cheers with cider. 😉
So many great things in one place! The pics and your post make me want to go there NOW!
What a fun time – love your writing style. Dad Photobombing, sigh! haha! You and the fridge also a great shot. Thanks for the info but mostly the laughs in your story. (the clothing is great too!)
Oh I’m so glad you enjoyed… yeah I tend to blog like I talk…which is a challenge since I talk with my hands a lot! HA!
Loved the pictures. Victorian Tea looks like something we may need to try.
And afternoon tea ( one of my favorite things to do) and ice cream. Who could ask for more!
The correct answer is no one… no one at all 🙂
How fun! I love that you got to have both a fancy Victorian tea and a more rustic cowboy experience all in one day! Loved all your great pictures 🙂
I hadn’t thought about it that way but yes! Glad you enjoyed!!
Looks like my kind of place! I would love to have a taste of the real ‘taste’ of the old west and partake in the Victorian tea ceremony. Also, I love, love apple cider so I’m in 🙂
Come with us next time!
What a great time!! Loved the Victorian tea pics <3
This looks SO fun! Maybe someday while in Southern California we’ll have to drive inland and give it a try!
It is worth the drive! AND added bonus… it’s about 10 degrees cooler then the rest of SoCal! Woot Woot!
That looked like so much fun. If I saw something like that in my area I’m not sure I would have thought of going but this shows that you should check things out because you never know. Love the marriage agreements you made. If I ever get married, something like that is going on my vows. 🙂
It does take a bit of sleuthing sometimes but if you come this way (to the SoCal area) I highly recommend this day trip!
Glad to be of inspiration… Dancing is a magical thing and becoming a lot art. Plus, marriage is work…good to have some things to agree on that will make you smile and laugh no matter what. 🙂