Have you ever heard of Children of the American Revolution? Does your nose crinkle up thinking it’s got to be some radical political agenda with brainwashing involved? Like their counterparts Daughters of and Sons of, Children of the American Revolution is often mistaken in its purpose.
One thing that this family is big on is knowing where we came from. I truly believe it helps one decide where they are going. Every culture looks to its youth as the hope and the promise of tomorrow.

What is Children of the American Revolution
When I was first told about it, I didn’t really know what it was but I like American History and the sound of it so I looked into it. Josh had never heard of it. Madison Bella wanted to know if it would help her with college. Sage just wanted to know if she could dress up in a costume.
Well, it turns out the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution is the oldest patriotic youth organization in our country! COOL! Founded in 1895, membership is open to all descendants of patriots of the American Revolution.
Members learn all kinds of things like how to conduct meetings, how to follow parliamentary procedure, and serve as delegates with opportunities to speak before groups at local, state, and national conferences. Each chapter is responsible for its own meetings and many have social gatherings as well as the expected meetings.
So how does one get in?
According to the website, any boy or girl under the age of twenty two is eligible who is lineally descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of the American Independence as a soldier, sailor, civil officer, or recognized patriot in one of the several Colonies or States, or the United States, provided that the applicant is personally acceptable to the Society.

Let’s address the elephant in the room…(or the article)
Is CAR an ethnic specific organization?
NO! It’s a common misnomer to think CAR or its counterparts are relegated to one ethnicity but questions of ethnicity are not even part of the application process. Anyone and everyone can be patriotic. ๐
Want to read a fun and interesting article along this topic? Read how to research Revolutionary Patriots. This is fascinating! Did you know the King of Spain mandated that all his subjects in America…well, I don’t want to give it away…. CLICK HERE to learn all about it.

CAR Beginnings and Motto
We joined because I was already in the Daughters of the American Revolution so it was very simple to fill out the paperwork to have Sage join. Since joining we’ve learned a bit about Harriett M. Lothrop. She founded the organization to instill patriotic values in the youth of America.
She is quoted as saying, “What a tremendous thought that some of our boys and girls may be growing up in our very midst with no adequate idea of what it is to be an American youth, claiming a heritage of these American principles. Can we as American women rest a moment while the impressible period is swift passing on with them?…”
I believe the answer is no, no we cannot. And her words ring true just as much today as when she first spoke them, perhaps even more so.
I would just briefly like draw attention to the fact that in her quote there is no mention of socioeconomic status, or of ethnicity, or of orientation, or any other classification that can be used to foster intolerance or in any other devisive thing.
It’s all inclusive of boys and girls, our American youth. The call is to join a legacy of modern day patriots who will learn and honor the past, celebrate the present, and train the leaders of tomorrow. Isn’t that beautiful?

America Is Unique
Most countries have a common religion or a common ancestry to bind them together. Even before Europeans arrived in what is now America over 500 nations occupied this land. Since our inception (and even before) we have been multicultural, and multi religious.
(As I step into the firing line here) I would put forth that rather than have these things divide us as we are currently witnessing in our country, we unite under what we have in common, which is this flag. It is far easier to be tolerant and understanding when we perceive ourselves all on the same team.
And we ARE all on the same team… The United States….emphasis on the United part…

Children of the American Revolution has been a great learning experience for us so far. Sage has taken the role of Vice President and is learning all those things I mentioned above. Josh and I are impressed to watch her get organized with her notebook and planner preparing for meetings… (although I’m one thousand percent sure she’s still looking for an excuse to dress in an excellent colonial dress…)
Do you want to know what we DO in CAR?
What we do in CAR
In the short time we’ve been a part of CAR we’ve been able to be a part of several activities that groom good citizens. One of the first meetings we attended all the kids were asked to write thank you notes to our soldiers. The kids all wrote cards expressing thanks for their service. They were collected and taken to a drop off point where more notes are collected and then sent to our soldiers stationed over seas. Next month we will be gathering to place wreaths on graves of our veterans. Sage is being exposed to all kinds of different ways people serve our country and how to be grateful and honor that service.

CAR is a Lineal Organization
Are you interested in learning more?
I realize that one has to be descended lineally to be in the organization and this may turn off some folks. Here are some super helpful resources to make the research easier.
I would propose that if after delving into the family history if you are not a direct descendant but you still want to learn more, contact the local chapter and see what if any events they may be putting on. If they don’t have any planned, perhaps suggest one. Our heritage as Americans belongs to all who are indeed American. Our diversity is our strength, at least it should be. Everyone has a story worth telling. We should be able to come together to agree to honor and respect our country. So as we look to our youth as our future, we can help guide them to figure out ways to honor our multicultural multi religious fabulous selves.

Some Final Thoughts
“Good citizens cannot be made suddenly. They must grow…” ~Harriett Mulford Lothrop (Founder of the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution. 1895)
How are you a modern patriot? How are you helping to raise good citizens? Let’s share thoughts and ideas!
ARE YOU SUPER JAZZED AND WANT TO GET STARTED RESEARCHING? Click here and here for a links that will help get you started in your own family research.

Absolutely love this Blog post!!!
Thank you Gina!!
So proud of this Daughter-to-be!!
Thank you mom!