You can’t see the Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater because it is no longer there. It was where ‘imagination dwelled’ and it was amazing!
Unexpected Opportunity to Visit History
History and Festiveness! It’s pretty much how we roll around here so when Sage and I had the opportunity to attend Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater for their Halloween Spooktacular before it permanently vacated the building where it began, we fist pumped in the air and in unison yelled ‘YEAH!’
Then we looked at each other and said ‘Wait? What is it?

My first thought was …OH I’ve heard of that! It’s supposed to be cool and I think it’s historical.
My next thought was… Marionettes… that’s the stuff nightmares are made of.
My NEXT thought was … Well, if they ARE terrifying, then the Halloween Spooktacular is probably the best show to choose to go check it out!
Let’s go!
Bob Baker History
Here’s the short version of the history….Bob Baker, along with Alton Wood, founded the children’s theater company in Los Angeles in 1963. This makes it the oldest children’s theater company in Los Angeles.
Bob Baker started learning puppetry at the age of 8. By the time he was in high school, he was manufacturing toy marionettes and was selling them in the US and Europe.
After graduation he apprenticed at the George Pal Animation Studios and in less then a year was head animator of Puppetoons, which is a fabulous word and should be used often.
Bob’s puppetry was featured on Bewitched, Star Trek, Land of the Giants, and NCIS. In addition, it was seen in A Star is Born, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and my personal favorite, Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Bob Baker and Hollywood
Bob was a good guy and because of his efforts, the SAG/AFTRA (the union for performers) recognized puppeteers as actors with a special skill. What that means is puppeteers could get benefits like health and pension and fair working conditions. Good job Bob!
The theater itself was an old special effects workshop but when Bob and Alton purchased it in 1961 it became the live puppet theater and workshop for the marionettes. Word on the street is the Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater is THE longest running puppet theater in the United States.
Puppets in Government
In 2009 during a Los Angeles City Council meeting, the marionettes made an appearance and danced and pranced around the city councils desk . The officials voted unanimously and the theater was designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. I mean, who is going to argue with a bunch of dancing and prancing marionettes?

One of my favorite parts of the theater was the sign on the wall that says Let this be a place where imagination dwells.
It made me smile! It’s been there since the opening of the theatre and WHAT a cool message to see daily!
Halloween Spooktacular

The Halloween Spooktacular itself was great! There were witches and ghosts, goblins and ghouls. There were even aliens, and a crabby old pumpkin man who sang a delightful song about how kids are ridiculous today. He was fantastic.
The skeletons at Fernando’s Hideaway were outstanding! Dracula and Vampire even made an appearance. I am not posting photos of the actual performance because it just wouldn’t be the same. Live marionette theater is immersive and a two dimensional shot simply doesn’t capture it correctly.
The End of an Era
Bob Baker passed in 2014 but the theater remained in company and in the building. Just after Thanksgiving in 2018 the company moved locations to be in residency elsewhere. It was a bitter sweet day because the theater gave its final performance the same day it opened 55 years ago.
You will be able to see marionette puppetry at its finest but it will be in a different location…OR maybe you’ll see it in the brand new Bob Baker Marionette Mobile!! It’s a traveling ice cream truck and caravan!!!

To quote the Bob Baker website… In what is clearly a moment of a changing city, Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater will exist as an example where change doesn’t have to mean a loss of history and culture, this is an opportunity where culture can transition and not only adapt to change but grow within it.
I LOVE THAT! I think it’s a perfect sentiment for this city, and this country as we are in turbulent times. What a sound and positive and thought out position!
How very American!
Well done Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater! Why should imagination only dwell in an old building?
Our Final Thoughts
It’s a rare gift to experience history, especially in such an inspiring way. This man, Bob Baker had a love for children the way Mr. Rogers did and a passion for puppetry and imagination like the man he inspires, Jim Henson.
We love love LOVED our experience and we look forward to visiting again to see how this living theater adapts and grows and carries on a beautiful and entertaining tradition. Have you been? Did you love it as much as we did?

We look forward to seeing how the Bob Baker’s Historic Marionette Theater morphs into a different kind of cultural landmark, one that lives and breathes and travels to meet kids and families rather than in a stagnant building.
History can be cool like that, not adhering to expectation and rules.

We have not visited. The Halloween Spooktacular would be a great time to visit.
My initial thought was this kind of freaks me out. Yet I love hearing about the passion that Bob has for his art. I had no idea that they were in so many movies.
I didn’t either! I really did learn a lot about Bob and the history of puppetry in general. Fascinating world indeed!
Only in America! 🙂
Full disclosure: Puppets and marionettes kind of freak me out…but loved reading about this history and about the man who was so passionate about his art and that his puppetry appeared in all those shows. And I love that line, “Let this be a place where imagination dwells.”
hahaha yes, they are an acquired taste to be sure. But no denying the story behind them is fascinating and full of passion. I love that line too. I think it’s a fabulous way to go through life!
I love all of your tips! Great pics too!
I never knew who Bob was. Great info.
I love uncovering a new inspiring story, don’t you?
Look like an interesting place to visit.
It truly was! I imagine whatever they decide to do next will be equally interesting!
You got it right, this is what nightmares are made of. The perfect place for a Halloween event!!
LOL I do wonder if I would have been SO impressed if I had come another time of year LOL
Marionettes are super creepy. The stuff of nightmares. So, yeah…SIGN ME UP! Sounds like a fun time
haha love the attitude! That’s basically what I said!
What a fun adventure! I love the history of the marionettes and the man who made it happen. So glad you got to go!
Thank you Lori! Yes it was equally informative and entertaining. Love that combination
What an awesome adventure! I used to love marionettes when I was little, then grew up watching the scary movies lol. Such a great history lesson. Thank you for sharing.
Very glad you enjoyed! Hope you enjoy the blog! You’re our kind of gal!
Omg with Halloween around the corner, I MUST GO!
Yes yes you must
I had never heard of these until now. What a unique experience, and so fitting for Halloween since they can be a little creepy to some people.
haha that was my rationale as well!
I had no idea this existed, but what a cool historical landmark and legacy. I also thought “eek” when I first read marionettes, but I’m glad they weren’t creepy!
You know they really weren’t. We were too busy having a great time to be creeped out
What a unique experience you had! Thanks for sharing!!
I hope you enjoyed!!
What a great experience to take part in for Halloween!
I figured with the possible creep factor of marionettes, this was the safest bet LOL
I need to go to this!!!
YES! Do it!!
Wow, never heard of this. My parents used to bring these back from Mexico. I loved them as a kid. Honestly, they are creeping me out a little more as an adult. 🙂
hahaha I feel ya! they can be super fun or super creepy. It all depends on how they are made, how they are being presented, the lighting, etc. That’s why we went in October. I figured any creep factor would be in line with the season
This place looks so cool. I have never heard of it. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! I’m all about the little to not known places…
Aaaagh! I hate clowns and dolls, they creep me out- which makes for a great scare on Halloween!
haha right?!?! That’s why October was perfect!
Fun! My oldest granddaughter would love this place!
It was pretty neat! A delight for kids and adults alike
Oh how cool! My girls would love this place!
awesome! It’s quite the experience for sure!
Looks like a magical place!
That is pretty cool. Where is it located, in Los Angeles?
Amazing look back in time! I love nostalgia! Thank you
We have not been there. I enjoy reading blogs and learning about new places to visit. Now I know to visit this place.
Wow, I have never heard of such of thing. How cool.
What an interesting trip and your little girl is PRECIOUS! Looks like you guys had a great time! One thing I did not realize is that those were puppets that are used in modern film making.