Letโs have an All American Winter! Here are 52 Patriotic Things To Do with your family this and every winter that will get you enjoying some of greatest things this country has to offer! We have flaws, sure, but one thing we do well, is celebrate the seasons! Hereโs 52 ideas for an All American Winter!
Which ones will you do?
Below are so many ideas by month and by category….
play outside, celebrate holidays, embrace new beginnings, get organized, take a digital detox, become a better person…
All of these have roots in uniquely American traditions so whether you are carrying on something you’ve done for years or trying something new, be proud! It’s an All American Winter! Now, let’s play!
American Traditions in December
Roast chestnuts on an open fire: Long before Nat King Cole sang about it in 1949, chestnuts were a staple for a US Christmas dishes throughout the 18th and 19th centuries (They grow all over the Eastern Seaboard)
Drink something festive: Hot chocolate, mulled wine, hot apple cider, egg nog… There are a lot of traditions and stories here (that could be another whole blog post)
Go Christmas Shopping: One doesn’t have to subscribe to a particular faith to partake in the phenomenon we started in the mid 1800’s In the 1840’s newspapers started dedicating advertising to Christmas ads and we haven’t looked back.
Write a letter to Santa Claus or visit him! Santa is truly American! The Santa we know today is an amalgamation of many traditions from many cultures. Of course visiting Santa in the mall is 100% American and started around 1890. (see above)
Bake cookies: OK so the tradition of Christmas cookies goes waaaay back to Midieval Europe but the ‘modern’ (and by modern I mean 1600-1700s US) ingredients of cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, almonds and dried fruit secured Christmas cookies as a thing to look forward every year. YAY! Also, Dec 4th is National Cookie Day so there is your excuse. ๐
Experience someone else’s holiday and their traditions: From the moment we became a nation, we were a melting pot of cultures and therefore traditions. One thing we do very well is learn about and share those! This year, try something new. Chances are you know someone who celebrates differently then you and there in lies the opportunity to learn a little something and connect with someone in a new way. (Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Festivus, more I’m probably forgetting…)
Wreaths Across America: Cannot even begin to tell you what a worthwhile event this is. Talk about teachable moments to your children. Check it out HERE. It’s nation wide and in all National Cemeteries.
American Traditions in January
Make New Year’s Resolutions: If you are REALLY into it, translate them into a vision board! I actually don’t know if this is 100% American in origin but we sure do a great job promoting it like it is.
Celebrate New Years: Watch football, watch a parade, (or be a part of one) make noise, watch fireworks, count it down, cheers, sing Auld Lang Syne, and the list of traditions for both ‘Eve’ and ‘Day’ goes on…
Sage working on Rose Parade Float for Mayflower Society There it is in the Rose Parade on New Years Day!!
Inauguration Day: It only comes around every four years and it’s January 20th. Our Nation’s History in action!
Martin Luther King Jr Day: Third Monday in January. Fun Fact…it’s the only holiday dedicated to a preacher. No doubt about it, he was 100% American. He had a dream and it was a lovely one. May we never forget it.

American Traditions in February
Super Bowl Sunday: American football championships. Nuff Said.
Valentine’s Day: February 14th…the holiday origins go waaaaaay back to the Romans but the first commercially printed cards started coming about in 1700’s and in the 1800’s, the US made it a THING!
President’s Day: I love this day. Established formally in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington. It was celebrated informally (or locally) as his birthday during his life and immediately after his death, on February 22 at Gadsby’s Tavern in Alexandria Virginia.

American History Month: Check local listings to see what events might be happening. Check Netflix to see what movies are playing. Visit local Libraries to see how they are celebrating, fly a flag, look up what happened ‘This Day in History’ every Day this month…Really there are no wrong answers here. Doing ANYTHING to learn about our country is great! Read the Declaration of Independence, Read the Constitution, sorry… this could be (and will be) a whole blog post on it’s own ๐
Can’t talk about 52 ways to have an All American Winter without talking about SNOW!
Things to do in the Snow
Ice Skating: It dates over 4000 years but America’s own Jackson Haines is the founder of modern figure skating.
Christmas on the Potomac
Sledding/Snow Tubing: Also an ancient sport and past time but became wildly popular when Henry Morton of Maine mass produced kid friendly wooden sleds with metal runners. It was the 1860’s and we’ve all been sledding since.

Skiing/snowboarding: Skiing has been around a long time too but snowboarding is an American invention. Invented in the 1960’s and made an Olympic sport in 1998.
Build a Snowman or make a snow angel: There’s actually a little bit of dark history here but for now we’ll say it’s been around a long time as a quintessential kid thing to do in winter.

Build a Snow fort or an igloo: Igloos are winter shelters for our most northern residents, the Inuit. Super fun to build in the winter!
Have a snowball fight: I’ve heard the rumor a snowball fight might have ignited the American Revolution. I think probably not but it’s still a good story.

Shovel Snow for someone else: We have long traditions of helping out our neighbor. It builds community and it makes you feel good. Sometimes, it can even be a part time job.
Catch snowflakes on your tongue (and make snow cones and use icicles for straws and all the other fun things we did when we were kids!
What if There is No Snow?
Stargazing: Winter has some of the best stargazing. It’s a great excuse to cuddle up and loads of stories. There are some GREAT indigenous ones!

Winter Hike: no mosquitoes, no crowds, just quiet and beauty
Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt: On a hike, on a walk in the neighborhood, a Christmas light themed drive, so many ways to do this
Make your own Snowglobe: Martha does it best
Sled down the stairs in sleeping bags: It happens more years then not at our house. Note: put pillows and blankets at the bottom for soft landings
Make Paper snowflakes:and create an indoor winter wonderland
Make an epic Blanket Fort: NEVER too old for this!
It’s Too Cold-Things to do Inside that will cost you little to nothing!
Crafts! Hey we have a whole series on easy to do Colonial Crafts!! Any supplies you don’t have at home are easily ordered to be delivered HERE.

Cook a meal: maybe even learn a family recipe
Have a discussion with your grandmother or grandfather

Collect clothing or canned goods and donate them
Read a book about America
Research family genealogy
Visit a virtual Museum visit
Start a scrapbook or digital family slide show
Plan a year of ADVENTURE

Group Fun
Plan a family vacation, day trip, excursion. HERE are some super simple ideas!
Make home made valentines: Get out the papers, scissors and glue! Time to make sparkly wonderful punny Valentines!
Have a slumber party, even if it’s your family camping in the living room
Host a football party: It doesn’t matter who is playing as long as there are good snacks.
Calendar/organizing party! compare calendars, wish lists, make sure all the birthdays are on everyone’s calendars. We do it quarterly!
I like to make my panner pretty Planner with space for everyone’s schedules
Build Your Entrepreneur (and life) Skills
Nothing says America like a strong Capitalist Economy, amirite? #MERCA While it’s nippy outdoors, shine a warm light on your resume, build your Boss Skills, and prep for all those New Year’s Resolutions!
Babysit: Self explanatory. Earn a little cash and ear a reference or two. Plus, you get paid to play.
Start a blog/Build a website: Everyone is doing it! Do it for fun! Or for Money! There are probably as many reasons to blog as there are blogs out there. HERE is how I did it and you can get all the same deals I did ๐

Volunteer somewhere: Nothing fills a heart like volunteering. It won’t fill your wallet but it will give you people skills and community is one of those things that was important to the founding folks. AND, it looks great on a resume!
Make a budget: Start your New Year off with some guidelines and set yourself up for success, or help a kid do one.
Take an entrepreneurship class: There are a lot at local Small Business Associations to look into, not to mention all the online courses now available. Don’t forget about community colleges… OH and Stay tuned! I developed a LEADERSHIP CURRICULUM for Children of the American Revolution and I will be adding it to the FREEBIE PAGE when complete!
Visit a college: Get inspired and go visit somewhere collegiate. You never know what you will find! We’ve seen art exhibits, plays, recitals, book signings, architectural tours, churches, guest lectures…
Shadow a person at their job: Shake up your world a little and see how someone else lives and works. You never know what you will learn or who you will meet. The key is to get inspired and see what kind of creativity it unlocks for you.
Write Thank you notes: Grandma said ‘You will never go wrong saying THANK YOU.’ And she was right. Send thank you notes to Veterans, to people who send you holiday cards or gifts, to a friend just for being a friend. It’s a lost art and it means so much.
Learn a new skill: knitting, sewing, needlepoint, calligraphy, macramรฉ, braided rugs, quilting, all of these have fine foundations in American History and will provide you with a new skill AND a great story!
Support Local Business and shop online: We support local business and encourage you to do the same. HERE are some of our partners.
Final Thoughts
With 52 ways to have an All American Winter, you could be getting your winter on ALL YEAR LONG! Do you love a healthy sense of patriotic pride and living the American Dream? Us too! Consider going our mailing list to keep informed of new articles, perks and more!
What have you done or what will you try that is new this winter? We want to know! Tell us in the comments below!

This is such a great list! Some of these I didnโt know about. We are big Rose Bowl Parade fans here!
Isn’t it fun??? I love a good parade and it was SO COOL to be a part of one!
This is a great list of 52 ways to have an all American winter. We do many of the things you have listed and need to try some new ones! Thanks for sharing.
I figured a great deal of these are ‘old hat’ for many but it would be fun to know the traditions behind the activity… so next time they are done with purpose and a littlest of fun trivia to share ๐
What a fun list! I do so many if these but there are some really great ones to add as well. So fun!
awesome! Yes, the goal is to post a wide variety and a little history behind them as well so even the ones that you’ve done before have a little bit of a new meaning.
This is a great list. I do quite a few of them, especially the indoor ones. ๐ Our winter has not been too bad, so I really can’t complain.
I gave up complaining about weather long ago… can’t change it…LOL Thus began the lists of indoor and outdoor activities for each season so the kids couldn’t complain either! haha
We did star gazing this winter. IT is great when you are with someone that can spot the constellations.
isn’t it?? My father used to tell me the stories and it is a treasured memory. I hope my girls will remember it too.
Hate winters, best to be distracted!
Wow! So many good ideas and so many I’ve never really thought of! Thanks for all of the suggestions!
Oh my goodness! How much planning goes into your posts! This is absolutely fabulous! So many ideas and so many memories my family and I would be making. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!
These are some great ideas!
All great ideas. Thanks for sharing
Love these ideas!! So many great traditions!
Thank you! I know Winter is not always everyone’s fave so I thought I’d put not only a variety but also in the context of community and pride ๐
Great ideas! I haven’t been ice skating since I was a kid
Oh I highly recommend you go! We try to go once or twice a year. Always a day of memory making!
interesting ideas.
Thank you!
Looks like lots of fun activities
That is indeed the hope ๐
Iโm not a fan of winter but decided to embrace it this season and am trying quite a few new activities/events as well as embracing my inner child (went sledding a couple of weeks ago and havenโt gone that in years).
Ah…. good for you! Never too old to play! I hope sledding was a good time and I hope you try another couple.
We love catching snowflakes on our tongues. In fact, my kids drew pictures of this in art class when they were really little. I love them so much they are hanging in our family room.
I think of Lucy from the Peanuts when I do it! My youngest always does it in December and I find myself reciting Lucy’s line about January snowflakes LOL
Winter is my least favorite season, but this list made me think maybe itโs not so bad!
I think a lot of people feel that way. My hope is to give lots of ideas and different ways to enjoy it. I’m glad it got you thinking. ๐
Looks like you are making the most of your winter!
LOL We do try to live making the most of each season and the unique opportunities it brings.
These all look like fun activities! Thanks
Thank you for reading Lisa!
AWw these are perfect ideas! It’s hard to have much of a winter here in Florida, but I’ll have to implement a few of these! Thanks!
haha I have the same issue in southern California… it sometimes takes a little creativity but we usually find a way.
Wow, there is enough in here even for a 6-month Canadian winter, great stuff!
hahahahahaha I used to live in Jasper… I know EXACTLY where your mind is and YES we had to get creative because those ARE long winters!
What a fun-filled post! Great tips for having fun in the winter, no matter where you live.
Oh thank you Shirley! I’m glad you enjoyed!
What a fun list, even for those not in the US ๐ Thank you for sharing!
What a fun post! So many great ideas – thanks for sharing them.
Thank you Pam! I hope you are feeling inspired!
Forced into winter here in Maine so we have two choices-enjoy it or be miserable. That is a daily decision. Driving to work today was miserable but looking out the window-it’s gorgeous with everything snow covered.
oh I remember living in THOSE kind of winters. Yes, it is a daily decision…. I hope you got a few ideas you hadn’t thought of yet.
I love Christmas, but winter….not so much. These are great suggestions to make winter a little less dreary and a lot more fun!
I think a great many people feel that way. Plus January can be such a drag after all the festivities of December. Hopefully you got some fun ideas!