30 Days of being a Blogger
One month can make all the difference. A film can open and a hopeful actress can be catapulted into stardom. A battle can be fought and lost or won and history is forever changed. One month ago I decided to make a change and become a blogger and life, for better or worse, is indeed changed.
One month ago the thought of being on my computer for more then an hour terrified me. Oh I was fine to check and answer emails and fool around on Facebook. For sure I could fall down the rabbit hole of binge watching something, but to actually use the computer to create a business??
I mean, the truth is I have been known to ask how to silence my phone before and I only just recently figured out how to use it as a flashlight. That is unfortunately a true story. To put it bluntly, I’m not known for my technical prowess.
At all.
I promised readers of this blog that I would give regular updates of learning a new world, in this case, the blogosphere. Yes, it is a word….and yes, it IS a world!

A month of Accomplishments
In one month I have successfully set up a website, I have had more then one breakdown that involved tears but not so many that I didn’t push through it. I have created a MONUMENTAL list of things to do and things to learn. Seriously, my blog to do list has 112 things on it. (There is an actual photo of it down below) It scares the everything out of me but I’m tackling it, one line item at a time.
To better my blogging self I have taken multiple online workshops and seminars, three workbooks of exercises in niche clarification, and finally returned all those books from the beginning to library. I’ve learned the importance of social media and how it ties into the business of the blog. Each one of the social media outlets is a learning curve of its own. BUT I HAVE THEM!!! I haven’t even touched on my new vocabulary that involves things like widgets and SEO. It is daunting and it is overwhelming…
I Have a Plan
I have a plan. (Insert smile here) The first task of month number two is to revisit the plan I’ve been working on and tweak accordingly. Step one is now that I’ve put a lot of ME out there, and a lot of US, I am looking at what people are reading and honing up the niche….which is a fancy term for finessing the content to be a better experience for all you readers….basically giving you more of what you want and less of what you don’t.
New Schedule
I have a new daily schedule and it includes things like following up on projects, building this new one, and (here’s where it gets exciting) spending time with my family. I’m not distracted with typical work overflow. I set my daily to do list based on my goals and I simply do it. If I need more time, I finish things after everyone is in bed.
One key to success I’ve learned is to NOT look at the list of 112 things to do, or the notebook I’ve dedicated to all the things I need to do in more detail and all the questions that go along with it. (Seriously, if I do I glaze over like a donut and all is lost) It’s one line item at a time. One satisfying cross off/check mark a day. That’s it.

Read about our trip to The Lavender Festival here.
Bottom Line
Now for my coffee loving self, it is REALLY REALLY hard to not guzzle a pot and zip into rabbit mode. I want it all done so I can get to all the fun stuff and I want it done perfectly and I want it done now, well actually yesterday but now will do. Here’s the big takeaway after a month. Adopt the lessons of the turtle. One step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race…
Is it slow going? Yes
Is the blog where I want it to be yet? No
Does that drive me crazy? Ummm…yeah!
But here is the perspective reality check….
Is the blog where is was a month ago? No. Two weeks ago? No. It’s becoming something… and that something is wonderful in content, in focus, and in personal investment. That is to say I LIKE it! A lot! It’s exciting!
And social media? Growing. Daily, organically and with genuine interest.

Oh and did I mention there is interest in working with me on a book? There is. I have a meeting next week. There is also interest in This Family Blog being featured as a regular column in a publication. Opportunity? Yes, I hear you knocking….
What Now
Things are changing….I have more lists then I ever thought possible. But I’m a list girl, and nothing gives me more satisfaction than crossing something off my list and knowing it was done and done well. I’m making my own history here. I’m growing as much as the blog is. Who new one of my biggest adventures of this year would happen sitting in my own living room and exploring a whole new world at the same time?

What will another month bring? I can only imagine what another 30 days might present. I’m open and I’m taking notes. Let’s see where This Family Blog takes me next….
Congrats on the first month!! Keep up the good work. You’ve got this!
Woohoo! Keep at it, it’s an incredible journey.
Thank you!! ๐
Great motivation for others!
That is indeed the idea!
Congratulations on your first month, it is not an easy job but here we are!! Keep moving forward, you got this!!
Thank you Carolina!
Congratulations on your web site AND your plan. You can achieve great things, and it will be neat to see where you take This Family Blog.
You are doing great!! Congrats!
Itโs an ongoing journey that never ends. And itโs so worth it all! I love this blogging world. ?
haha thank you!
Congrats and great account on the “first 30 days”. My list is so long, but being able to cross them off feels so good… Only to find more things to add to my to-do list. Loving it every step of the way.
haha yes it’s a bitter sweet thing to check off something isn’t it?
You’re doing great! Keep it up!
Thank you Meagan! You are too!!
Yay for crossing things off a list! You totally rocked your first month, and love that you have book/publication connections already happening. And good job spending more time with your family (this is where I struggle most).
Thank you! It is indeed a juggling act!
Woot! Cheers to your great start and too many more months ahead it’s an exciting and sometimes exhausting venture, but so well worth it. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! ??
Why thank you!!! I appreciate those kind words!
I hear ya! Working a full time job also puts a crimp in my blogging plan! But setting realistic goals and biting off one thing at a time has helped.
Indeed! It’s all about baby steps ๐
Keep it up! And I love the lists – about to go over last week’s list and prepare next weeks – and if things carry over from week to week that is OK!
hahaha girl my lists are rolling over and over and over again. ๐ LOL
Great post! Yes SEO is daunting but so important. I’m in that phase right now so I feel your pain!
LOL good to know!
I remember my first month, it was so confusing. Luckily I had lots of support so it wasn’t too bad. It is a learning curve.
Me, too! Me, too! I’m amazed at the stuff I’ve learned (for me, it’s been 4 months). I’m enjoying it, though it’s slower than I want (I mean, 7 kids keep me in reality check all the time) Thanks for checking in for us.
I enjoy it too! But yes, I’m all for instant gratification. It’s a good exercise in patience
This is an awesome account of your first month. I went through some of the same things, but I ended up putting too much time into it at first. I rarely slept. If I didn’t know how to do something, I took a class or googled or YouTubed until I learned. I was fortunate enough to have the free time. I am loving every minute of it. Congrats on the book. Keep us informed of your successes.
Glad to hear from a kindred spirit! It is a constant balancing act. steep learning curves to be sure. Keep checking in. It’s nice to encourage each other!
Seems we are in the same boat. Blogging is WORK! But Iโm loving every minute.
lol it is indeed!!! But yes, there is a lot to love isn’t there?
We are about on the same place with our blog journeys. I too have learned not to over stress about it, but to make a plan and keep moving forward enjoying the journey along the way!
Exactly! Some days the plan is overwhelming but it’s still good to have one. I also think it’s ok to take a break. I just took about a week off and boy I needed it! Now I am coming back in attack mode.
The new blogger grind is relentless it seems! You take a week off and it’s like you have been forgotten! Haha! Congratulations on making such great progress so far. One day at a time!
Thank you for the kind words. Yup! One day at a time!!!
Congratulations!!! I remember back to my first month. I too had a lot of tears. Thankfully, I now have much more confidence to be able to attack the challenges. And of course…I google everything! LOL.
hahaha God bless Google!!!
I’m very much like you. I feel great satisfaction making a plan, a list, and then crossing things off. It’s a sense of accomplishment. Good luck on your blogging journey!
Thank you Cynthia! Oh one of my absolute fave things in life is crossing things off my list!!
This pretty much wraps up my first 30 days hahaha Great post!
haha hello sister!
You are kicking booty! I love how you are telling it like it is; a whole new world! I can so relate to you. Well done on all the progress and the interest in your blog! Keep on keepin’ on! I am following you on FB and I just subscribed ๐
Congratulations on that future book and the feature!
I started my blog and my very first exposure to WordPress back in January. OMG, I spent so many weeks frustrated with EVERYTHING! I tried researching what to do left and right and I saw advice to learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing, etc, etc, ETC! Then someone commented to my frantic questioning and told me to just focus on creating one blog at a time, and everything else will fall into place when the time comes. That one comment surprisingly relieved a lot of self-made frustration. I made a goal to create a minimum of three blogs a month (whether affiliate linked or not) to allow room for other projects if by chance the offer is given. That way if nothing is offered or if growth is super slow, I still feel accomplished at the end of the month for just focusing on one blog at a time. โค
You hit the nail on the head with everything! I can totally relate! But, you’re doing great!!
Great post! I still feel like I’m in in the beginning steps of my blog too, but congrats on the book!
I think we all feel this way from the beginning. The only question is, how long does that “beginning” lasts. ? Just kidding! Great article! Thank you for sharing what every blogger go through.
I feel ya’ every step of the way! A great summation of the “new blogger” experience ๐
I so love this honest and transparent view into the blogging world. I have messed up so many things, commented too much, not commented enough, not learned SEO or Pinterest yet, but I am learning and I am growing and each day is further along than the one before. I totally agree about ignoring the rabbit hole and being focused on the task in front of me. It gets hard being pulled in so many different directions and can tend to leave some things by the wayside unintentionally, but it will eventually get done. Congrats on the book as that is on my list too!
Congratulations! I’m in my 3rd month of blogging. HARD yet SUPER fun work. ๐
Congrats and keep up the amazing work! Hard work really does pay off!
Great post! Very thorough! I can totally relate too! It feels so good to get so much accomplished! High five!
Congrats! Great job and keep it up, tears and all!
Congrats! I am a new blogger as well and it can be so overwhelming to see my to-do list. While I have a pretty extensive list, each day I take 3 things to do and put that on my daily list. They must be things that bring me closer to my overall goal, which is more subscribers. It helps me from becoming completely overwhelmed and shutting down.
Looks like you have accomplished a lot in a short amount of time.
Congratulations on the book! That is so exciting!
This is superb, Iโve pinned this x