Welcome to the world of Jen Tousey…author, mother, educator, wife, daughter, historian, speaker…
or if you want to know the REALLY real me…explorer, traveler, storyteller, connector, time traveler and possibly part pirate…
Here you’ll get a glimpse into the things I love…Thanksgiving, American History, culture, family, writing, and so much more!

Dive deeper into my world and connect with excellent stories of amazing people and places throughout American History. And…learn to create your own!
Invite me to speak in person at your next event, explore American History in fun and unique ways, or download a game to play at your Thanksgiving table.
Things I know: learning something new is always in good taste, sharing makes new friends, and you’ll never go wrong saying ‘Thank You.’
Thank you for visiting!
Stay grateful…and welcome to the adventure!
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